1 Love or Money ?
- “This afternoon I want you to get the house ready for the weekend,”
she said, “Oh, and please go to the village later and get my tablet[ˈtæblət]s.”
- ”下午我希望你收拾一下房子,为周末做准备,“,她说。“哦,随后请去村里给我买些药片。”
- “That’s Peter Hoobs[], from the house across the
road,”Jackie said quickly. She looked across the table at Molly[ˈmɒli].
- “那是彼得霍布斯,家住在马路对面的房子里。”杰基很快地说。她看着餐桌对面的莫利。
- It’s a lot of work for you. The house is big, too. You’re fifty now.
You need to be more careful.
- 你要干许多的事,房子也太大了。你都50岁了,你需要更多的照顾。
- Suddenly there was a cry[kraɪ] from the room next to Roger[ˈrɒdʒə(r)]’s, his mother ’s room.
- 突然从罗杰房间旁边他母亲的屋子里传出一声尖叫
- He wanted to dress[dres] before Dr Partt[]
- 他想在普拉特一声来前穿好衣服
- Did you know Mother took sleeping tablet[]s.
- 你知道妈妈服安眠药吗?
- The family waited in the sitting room[].
- 家人在客厅等着
- Sometimes she got them from the shop, sometimes I did.
- 有时她去商店买药,有时我去。
- His sisters looked at him, but Roger put his hand over his eyes.
“Don’t talk to me”
- 他的姐妹看着他,可罗杰用手捂住眼睛,“不要对我说话”
2 Mary Queen of Scots
- No one came along the road.
- 没有人从这条路走来
- Please, Your Majesty[ˈmædʒəsti], come away from that
- 陛下,请您离开那扇窗户吧
- I went to church[tʃɜːtʃ].
- 我去教堂
- James, my son, you are a Protestant[ˈprɒtɪstənt] and I am a Catholic[ˈkæθlɪk].
- 詹姆斯,我的儿子,你是个新教徒,而我是天主教徒
- He was a famous Protestant churchman[ˈtʃɜːtʃmən], but I didn’t
like him.
- 他是个有名的新教教士,可我不喜欢他。
- Perhaps I could rule scotland without a man, but I could not have a
child without one.
- 没有男人,或许我可以统治苏格兰,但没有男人,我就不会有小孩。
- Why not marry my friend Robert Dudley[], the Earl[ɜːl] of Leicester['lestə].
- 为什么不嫁我的朋友莱斯特伯爵,罗伯特-达德利呢?
- Elizabeth was very angry, and so were a lot of the Scots lords.
- 伊丽莎白非常恼怒,许多苏格兰贵族也是
- A man got out of the chair next to me and Darnley[]
sat beside me.
- 一人从我身旁的座位上站起来,达恩利坐到了我身边。
- He is a bad, wicked[ˈwɪkɪd] man.
- 他是个不讲道德的坏人
- Three times that spring, he asked me to marry him.
- 那年春天,他向我求了三次婚
- She put on a red petticoat[ˈpetɪkəʊt] first, then a black dress,
and a white veil[veɪl] over the dress.
- 她先穿上一件红色的衬裙,然后穿上一件黑色的连衣裙,再在裙子外面套上一件白色的面纱。
- The executioner[ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃənə(r)] came towards her.He was a big, strong
man with an axe[æks], and something black over his face.
- 那刽子手向她走过来。他又大又壮,手里拿着斧子,一个黑乎乎的东西盖着他的脸
- Mary put her head on the block[blɒk].
- 玛丽将头放在木台上
3 Under the Moon
- Five hundred kilometres over[ˈəʊvə(r)] Europe, Ship OM45 moved
- OM-45号宇宙飞船在欧洲上空500公里的高度向北飞行
- Adai[]’s there now, Commander of the Moon colony[ˈkɒləni], under the Moon.
- 阿岱现在还在那儿,在月亮下面作月亮部族(殖民地)的司令
- Last time, he sent me to a weather ship in Antarctic[ænˈtɑːktɪk].
- 上次他把我发配到了南极的一艘气象飞船上
- The next morning they took an aeroplane[ˈeərəpleɪn] to
- 第二天早晨他们乘飞机来到悉尼
- Two guards march[mɑːtʃ]ed in front of him, and two guard
marched behind him.
- 四个卫兵两前两后阔步行进护卫着他
- Adai[] can come back to Earth after Gog is dead –
after I am dead.
- 阿岱可以在高格死了以后,也许我死了以后再回来
- Zadak[] didn’t shoot Gog, but he shot Bel[bel], before the guards shot him.
- 扎达克没打着高格,可他打死了贝尔,然后卫兵才朝扎达克开的枪
- I know Adai very well, and you don’t
- 我非常了解阿岱,而你并不了解他
4 The witches of Pendle
- I’m not a witch[wɪtʃ], you know.
- 你知道,我不是女巫
- The dog ran to her and she put her hand on its head
- 那条狗跑到她面前,她把手放在它的头上
- He was a pedlar[ˈpedlə(r)] and he walked across the hills and
visited all the villages.
- 他是个小商贩,翻山越岭,跑遍了所有村庄
- Twenty years ago, I met the Devil[ˈdevl].
- 20年前,我遇到了魔鬼
- I make clay[kleɪ] pictures of people—man, woman or
- 我用泥制成人像——男人的,女人的或是小孩的
- The trial[ˈtraɪəl] of the witches of Pendle[]
began at Lancaster[] Castle on the eighteenth day of
- 8月18日,在兰开斯特城堡开始了对潘德尔地区的巫师的审判
5 The Phantom of the Opera
6 The monkey’s Paw
- But in the little living-room[] of number 12 Castle
Road it was nice and warm.
- 但城堡路12号的一间小客厅里却蛮暖和
- The monkey’s paw[pɔː] can do strange and wonderful
- 这个猴爪能做奇怪而又奇妙的事情
- We don’t have money to give away[] for nothing.
- 我们没有钱去为无价值的东西付出
- They couldn’t stop the machinery[məˈʃiːnəri] quickly. He was in
there for a long time.
- 他们不能马上把机器停下来,他在里面待了很长时间
- Three days later, in the big, new cemetery[ˈsemətri] two miles
from their house, the two old people said goodbye to their dead
- 三天后,在离他们家两英里远的一个大而新的墓地,两位老人和他们死去的儿子道别了
7 The Coldest Place on Earth
- The race[reɪs] began in the summer of 1910.
- 比赛开始于1910年夏天
- Everyone on the Fram was ready to go to the North Pole, to the Arctic[ˈɑːktɪk].
- 弗雷门号上的每个人全都准备就绪,到北极圈,去北极
- We have sixteen men and the new motor sledge[sledʒ]s – they
are much better. And tomorrow the ponies[] are coming.
- 我们有16个人,还配有新式机动雪橇。这些雪橇好使多了,明天还有小马送来。
- Before the winter, they wanted to take a lot of food south, and
leave it in depot[ˈdepəʊ]s.
- 在冬天来临之前,他们打算向南方运许多食物,并将食物放到各个贮藏室
- The dogs and men were very tired, and the tent[tent]s and
boot[buːt]s were bad.
- 人困狗乏,帐篷与靴子都不顶事了
- “Three of the ponies are ill,Captin”,“Don’t be stupid,They’re good
strong animals”,“Not these three”
- “队长,有3匹小马病了”“别犯傻了,它们都是强壮的好牲畜”,“这三匹不是”
- Twice[twaɪs], men went for long journeys across the
- 这些人两度进行过横穿雪原的漫长旅程
- They were the first motor sledges in the Antarctic – the first on
- 这两辆机动雪橇不仅在南极洲而且在地球上也是首次出现
- Behind the ponies came Meares[] with one sledge and
some dogs.
- 在小马后面,是米尔斯,他驾着一辆狗拉的雪橇
- Behind the mountains, Amundsen['a:məndsən] thought there was a
high plateau[ˈplætəʊ] of ice.
- 阿蒙森认为群山之后还有一片冰封高原
8 Aladdin and the Enchanted
- He is a magician from Morocco[məˈrɒkəʊ], and he wants to find
an enchanted[ɪnˈtʃɑːntɪd] lamp.
- 他是来自摩洛哥的一位魔法师,他想找到一盏神灯
- You are a lazy boy – a good-for-nothing[ˈɡʊd fə nʌθɪŋ].
- 你这个懒惰的孩子——真是没用
- The Abanazar[] took some powder[ˈpaʊdə(r)] out of
a small box, and put it on the fire.
- 然后阿巴那扎尔从一个小盒子里拿出一些药粉撒在火里
- There was a sudden noise, and blue smoke came out of the ring. And
then, out of the smoke came a big jinnee[dʒi'ni:].
- 伴着这突如其来的声音,一股青烟从戒指冒了出来。随后从烟雾里现出一个巨型的神灵。
- Six slaves carried the Princess through the streets in a litter[ˈlɪtə(r)], and the people stopped to watch.
- 6个仆人用轿子抬着公主从街道上走过,人们都驻足观看
- The Vizier[vɪˈzɪə(r)] took Aladdin[ə'lædɪn]’s mother to
Sultan[ˈsʌltən], and she put her head on the ground at his
- 大臣把阿拉丁的母亲带到苏丹的面前,她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前
- And every day, for two months, the Vizier’s son came to the Sultan
and gave him gold, and jewel[ˈdʒuːəl]s,and many beautiful
- 之后的两个月里,大臣的儿子每天都要去觐见苏丹,献上金银珠宝和许多漂亮的物品
- Here it is, mistress[ˈmɪstrəs]
- 拿来了,夫人
9 Goodbye, Mr Hollywood
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