
2020-04-06 fishedee 英语

1 William Shakespeare

  • He was also the best playwright[ˈpleɪraɪt], the best poet[ˈpəʊɪt], that ever lived in the England.
  • 他是英国最优秀的剧作家,最杰出的诗人
  • Farmer Nash[næʃ] wasn’t at the market, and a few minutes later we saw his angry red face above[əˈbʌv] the wall on the far side of the field.
  • 纳什先生并没有去集市,几分钟后我们看到果园那端墙头一张气得发红的脸
  • John Shakespeare[ˈʃeɪkspɪə] was a glove[ɡlʌv]-maker, and he had other business too, like buying and selling sheep.
  • 约翰莎士比亚是一个手套工匠,同时经营着其他生意,如买卖羊只。
  • In the summer months companies[ˈkɔmpəniz] of players often came to small towns, and in 1587 five different companies came. Will and I always went to see the plays.
  • 夏天经常有剧团到小镇巡回演出,1587年分别来了五个剧团。威尔和我总是结伴去看戏。
  • His eyes were bright and excited. He was full of plans , and poem[ˈpəʊɪm]s , and a love of life
  • 他的双眼熠熠生辉,此时他踌躇满计划,满诗歌,对生活无限热爱。
  • Down the river was the Tower[ˈtaʊə(r)] of London. Enemies of the Queen went into the Tower through the river gate, and mostly came out without their heads.
  • 河下游便是伦敦塔,女王的敌人从河上的闸门进入这座塔,他们中的大多数就此丢掉了脑袋
  • Costume[kɒstjuːm]s,” I said,“And properties['prɒpətɪz]. I had a talk with John Heminges[], and he said they need a new man to help with all the clothes and the other things.”
  • “做戏服,”我说,“还有道具,我和约翰海明谈过了,他说剧团也正需要添个人帮着安排戏装和其他事情”
  • I learnt[lɜːnt] how to make shoes out of brown paper[]. How to clean the actors’ hats with a bit of bread.
  • 我学会了如何用牛皮纸做鞋,学会了用一点面包就能洗掉演员帽子上的污渍
  • We had rehearsal[rɪˈhɜːsl]s in the morning , and by lunch-time people were already coming across the river to get their places for the play.
  • 于是,我们在上午排练,到了吃午饭时,人们已经陆续过河来占位子等候看戏
  • “And the City Council[ˈkaʊnsl],” said another man, “wants to close all the theatre[ˈθɪətə(r)]s. They always do that when the plague[pleɪɡ] comes to London. There’ll be no work for any of us actors.”
  • “还听说市政参议会,”又有人说道,“准备关闭所有剧院。每回伦敦流行瘟疫他们都这么做,我们这些演员要失业了”
  • But the players can go on tour[tʊə(r); tɔː(r)], surely?
  • 但是我们可以巡回演出,不是吗
  • One day , when we were back in London, I was reading some of his latest sonnet[ˈsɒnɪt]s. Will was out somewhere, and I was at home in our lodging[ˈlɒdʒɪŋ]s in Bishopsgate[].
  • 我们又回到伦敦后的一天,威尔出门去了,我一个人呆在“毕肖普门街”的公寓里,翻阅着他最新创作的一些十四行诗.
  • For I have sworn[swɔːn] thee[ðiː] fair, and thought thee bright, Who art[ɑːt] as black as hell, as dark as night.
  • 因为我曾诅咒说你美,说你璀璨,你却是地狱一般黑,夜一般暗
  • But she liked the money, and the new house, and the new dresses——and the six fields of apple trees and the big farm north of Stratford['strætfəd] that came a few years later.
  • 她感兴趣的只是钱、新房子、新衣服——以及几年后买下的六座苹果园和斯特拉福镇北路的大农场
  • But I know he thought about his son a lot; his grief[ɡriːf] was very deep inside him.
  • 但我知道他很怀念儿子,只不过把悲痛深埋在心里
  • Will put his pile[paɪl] of papers on the table and sat down.
  • 威尔将那堆手稿放在桌上,坐了下来
  • When we were in London, we often went in the evenings to the Mermaid[ˈmɜːmeɪd] Tavern in Cheapside
  • 在伦敦时,我们晚上经常到切普赛特街的美人鱼酒店
  • You’re the first to shout if you haven’t got any money.
  • 要是没钱的话,你会第一个破口大骂的
  • Will was very friendly with the landlord[ˈlændlɔːd] John Davenant[] and his wife Jane.
  • 威尔对客栈老板约翰达文南特和他妻子简非常友善
  • “Jane’s a nice-looking woman.”I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. “Isn’t she?”
  • “简长得美丽动人,”我用眼角看看他,“不是吗?”
  • Not marble[ˈmɑːbl], nor the gilded[ˈɡɪldɪd] monument[ˈmɒnjumənt]s of princes[] shall outlive[ˌaʊtˈlɪv] this powerful rhyme[raɪm]
  • 没有王公们的大理石或镀金的墓碑,能够和我这些有力的诗句比寿

2 Grace Darling

  • We build walls against the sea, and the sea washes them away. We build ships to sail on the sea, and the sea breaks them in two, like a child breaking a toy. When the sea wears its angry face, it is like a wild animal - that wants only to kill.
  • 我们筑堤坝挡大海,大海却把它们冲走。我们造船在海上航行,大海却把它们劈成两截,如同孩子折断玩具。当大海露出其狰狞的一面时,它就像一头野兽,一心只想着杀戮。
  • Daniel[] looked down at the big paddle[ˈpædl] wheel on the side of the ship.
  • 丹尼尔低头看船侧的巨大桨轮
  • Then he looked up at the black smoke which came from the Forfarshire[]’s funnel[ˈfʌnl].
  • 接着他抬起头来,看着福发尔郡号烟囱里冒出的黑烟
  • Grace put oil in the big lantern[ˈlæntən] in the middle of the room, and William lit[lɪt] it. When the lantern was burning, the big silver mirrors began to move slowly around it.
  • 格雷丝将油倒进屋子中央的大灯里,威廉把它点燃。当灯燃烧起来,银光闪闪的的大镜子开始围着它缓慢转动
  • The strom will wreck[rek] any ship that comes near them tonight.
  • 今晚所有靠近它们的船只都会被风暴摧毁
  • In the black night outside, the wind scream[skriːm]ed, and the big waves crash[kræʃ]ed against the rocks, again and again and again.
  • 屋外的黑夜中,大风呼啸,巨浪撞击着礁石,一遍,一遍,又一遍。
  • In the boathouse, she helped her father tie the boat down to the rock. They tied down the oar[ɔː(r)]s, too, so that nothing could move them.
  • 在船屋里,她帮助父亲把船帮到礁石上。他们还绑好了船桨,这样它们就不会被冲走。
  • The wind screamed and shook[ʃʊk] the glass.
  • 狂风呼啸,摇撼着玻璃
  • The oars were up, out of the water. For a second the boat began to turn on its side, then the oars went down into the water and the boat came down the side of the wave.
  • 船桨朝上举起,不在水里。有那么一刻小船开始往一侧倾斜,这是船桨没入水里,小船便顺带着波浪降下来
  • The wind and waves were against them now , and the four men had to row hard.
  • 现在他们逆着风浪前进,四个男人必须使劲划

3 The Piano

  • He had a lot of straight[streɪt], silvery[ˈsɪlvəri] hair. He looked just like his picture on the wall of the theatre[ˈθɪətə(r)].
  • 他有着满头笔直的银发,看上去和剧院墙上的那副画一模一样
  • As he spoke, pictures came into my mind.I saw a little boy called Tony[ˈtəʊni] Evans['evənz], playing football with an old tin[tɪn].
  • 他讲着讲着,我脑海里渐渐浮现出这样一幅画面:一个名叫托尼埃文斯的小男孩,把一个旧罐头盒当足球踢着
  • “I’ve never seen a real cow.”he said to himself. He watched them moving very slowly through the long, green grass[ɡrɑːs].
  • “我还从没见过真正的奶牛。”他自言自语道。他看着奶牛在高高的绿草中缓缓地穿行。
  • “What shall we do with the rubbish?”“Get rid of it”
  • “那么垃圾怎么处理呢?”“把它们扔掉”
  • He saw brightly-coloured birds, flowers and leaves. They shone[ʃɒn] like stars in the dark, dirty building.
  • 他看到上面印有色彩鲜亮的飞鸟、繁花和树叶,在这座又暗又脏的房子里,它们像星星一样闪闪发亮。
  • He took the empty bottle and went into the school garden. There was a tap[tæp] there and he turned it. No water came out.
  • 他拿上空瓶子,来到学校的花圃,那儿有个水龙头。他拧开水龙头,但没有水。
  • He looked at the little black note[nəʊt]s and the five thin black lines on the pages of the book
  • 他注视着书页上小小的黑色音符和那五条细细的黑线
  • Two weeks to go before the competition[ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn].
  • 距离比赛只有两个星期了
  • The programme[ˈprəʊɡræm] was big and beautiful and expensive.
  • 节目单很大,漂亮而且华贵
  • He turned round and looked at the sea of faces.
  • 他转过身来,看着台下的人山人海

4 The Murders in the Rue Morgue

  • He took a close interest in the horrible murders in the Rue[] Morgue[mɔːɡ], because there were no answers to the mystery.
  • 他对莫尔格街发生的可怕的凶杀案产生了浓厚的兴趣,因为它是一个未解之谜。
  • Why were the murders so brutal[ˈbruːtl]
  • 这场凶杀案为何如此粗暴凶残
  • When morning came, we closed all the shutter[ˈʃʌtə(r)]s on our windows, and in this half-light we spent the day reading, writing, or talking, until the true darkness came.
  • 白天我们关上所有窗户上的窗板,就在这半明半暗的屋子里读书、写作,或者聊天,知道真正的黑暗来临。
  • Then we went out into the streets, and walked for hours among the wild[waɪld] lights and shadows of the crowded city.
  • 然后我们就会到街上去,在拥挤的城市、纷乱的灯光和阴影中散步几个小时
  • He cannot write tragedy[ˈtrædʒədi], that’s true. He’s much better at writing his funny piece[piːs]s for the newspaper.
  • 的确,他写不了悲剧。他更擅长给报纸写那些幽默搞笑的东西
  • It was, everybody in Paris agreed, a very bad book.
  • 巴黎人都觉得这本书实在是糟糕至极
  • He didn’t see you, and you had to jump out of his way.
  • 他没看见你,所以你只得跳开给他让路。
  • The famous Racine['rɑ'si:n], who wrote a play about Phaedra[] in 1677, was a better writter than Chantilly[ʃæn'tili] will ever be.
  • 德高望重的拉辛在1677年也曾写过一部关于费德拉的戏剧,他是更好的作家,是尚蒂伊永远难以企及的
  • In front of the fireplace on the floor was a razor[ˈreɪzə(r)], with blood on it, and some long grey hair, with blood on the end.
  • 壁炉前的地板上有一把带血的剃刀,还有几撮发根带血的灰色长发
  • Also on the floor were three large silver spoons, and two bags, which contained nealy four thounsand frances in gold.
  • 另外,地板上还有三把大银勺,两只装有价值将近4000法郎黄金的袋子。
  • A small strong-box was found under the mattress[ˈmætrəs]. It was open, with the key in the lock, and contained only a few old letters.
  • 在床垫底下还发现一个小小的保险箱。箱子敞开着,钥匙插在锁孔里,里面只有一些已经读过的信。
  • There were deep cuts on the face, and around the neck there were dark bruise[bruːz]s and the marks of fingers.
  • 脸上有很深的伤痕,颈部有黑紫色淤青和手指的掐痕
  • I have lived all my life in this quarter[ˈkwɔːtə(r)].
  • 我一直居住在这个区
  • One was a deep voice, the other high and shrill[ʃrɪl] – a very strange voice.
  • 一个声音很低沉,另外一个声调很高,尖利刺耳——一种很奇怪的声音
  • They can’t see the wood for the trees.
  • 见树不见林
  • Did you see anything peculiar[pɪˈkjuːliə(r)] in that house in the Rue Morgue?
  • 你注意到莫尔街那所房子有什么异常了吗
  • The police are puzzle[ˈpʌzl]d by all the questions which they cannot answer.
  • 警方被那些谜团搞得晕头转向
  • “I am now waiting,”he went on,“for a person who is probably not the murderer himself, but who certainly knows something about the murders. He will arrive here – in this room – at any moment”
  • “我在等,”他继续说道,“等一个人,他很可能不是凶手,却肯定知道些凶杀案的情况。他会到这里——到这间屋子里——随时都可能来”
  • We can see all of the window on the left, you remember, but only the top half of the window on the right, because the head of the bed is pushed up next to the window.
  • 我们可以看到左边的整扇窗户,记得吧,可因为有床头挡着,只能看到右边窗户的上半部分。
  • So I was sure there was a hidden spring[sprɪŋ] somewhere, and after a while I found it.
  • 所以我确信什么地方一定有一个隐秘的弹簧,不一会儿我就找到了它
  • And you saw , didn’t you, the lightning[ˈlaɪtnɪŋ]-rod[rɒd] that went up the back wall of the building?
  • 你一定也看到了竖立在房子后墙上的避雷针
  • The lightning-rod on the wall is less than two metres from the window by the head of the bed.
  • 墙上的避雷针距离床头边的窗户不到两米远
  • Then, a strong and agile[ˈædʒaɪl] – very agile – person could take hold of the latticed[] shutter with both hands, push his feet against the wall, and swing[swɪŋ] himself and the shutter across the window.
  • 这样,一个身强力壮并且动作敏捷——极其敏捷——的人就可以用双手抓住格状的窗板,双脚一蹬墙,身体就可以随窗板荡到窗户跟前
  • Remember what the room looked like – broken chairs and tables everywhere, the mattress on the floor, nothing in its place.
  • 还记得那个房间什么样子吧——残桌破椅到处都是,床垫甩在地板上,一切都面目全非。
  • But even madmen do not have as peculiar a voice as the one heard on the stairs.
  • 但是就算是疯子也不会发出在楼梯上听到的那种古怪的声音
  • But I found this small piece of ribbon[ˈrɪbən] on the ground at the bottom of the lightning-rod.
  • 但是我在避雷针底下的地面上发现了这条细丝带
  • He was a sailor, clearly – a tall, strong man, with a sunburnt['sʌnbɜːnt] face.
  • 他是个水手——身材高大、体格健硕、脸被晒得黝黑
  • On the ship home I always used a whip[wɪp] to keep the animal quiet, so I went to find my whip now.
  • 在乘船返回的路上我总是用一根鞭子让它保持安静,于是我就去找那根鞭子
  • The orang-outang[] took hold of Madame L’Espanaye[] by the hair, with the razor still in its other hand. The daughter faint[feɪnt]ed at once, and lay still and white on the floor. The old lady tried to get away, but the animal pulled out handful[ˈhændfʊl]s of her hair.
  • 那个大猩猩一只手抓住了埃斯巴耐夫人的头发,另一只手依旧拿着那把剃刀。老夫人的女儿立刻就昏倒了,一动不动地躺着地板上,脸色苍白。老太太努力想挣脱,却被那猩猩拽掉了几撮头发
  • Just before the neighbours broke down the door of the room, the orang-outang went out through the window, which dropped down behind it.
  • 就在邻居撞开房门之前,那只猩猩从窗户套了出去,窗户随之关上了
  • He talked a lot about people who tried to do the job of the police but who didn’t understand police work.
  • 他滔滔不绝地讲了很多,什么有些人总想当警察,却从不了解这份工作啦什么的。

5 The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Cursoe

  • For about ten or twelve days we sailed on south , down the coast[kəʊst] of Africa.
  • 沿着非洲海岸我们朝南航行了大概10至12天
  • Just then two big wild cats came down to the shore from the mountains. I think they were leopard[ˈlepəd]s.
  • 正在这时候,两只大野猫从山上窜到海边来,我想它们是豹子
  • The back of the ship was high out of the water, and I was very thankful for this because all the ship’s food was there.
  • 船的尾部翘出了水面,这让我非常庆幸,因为船上全部的食物都储在那儿。
  • But I knew that my island was somewhere off[ɒf] the coast of South America.
  • 但我知道我的小岛在远离南美海岸的某个地方
  • The roof of my cave fell in, and nearly killed me!
  • 我的山洞的顶层塌了下来,差点要了我的命!
  • But I wanted very much to make a harder, stronger pot[pɒt] - a pot that would not break in a fire.
  • 但我非常想要做一个更坚固的罐子——一个放在火里不会破裂的罐子
  • From there I could see the other islands, and I could also see a boat, far out to sea.
  • 从那儿我能看到其他岛和远处大海中的船。
  • I was a rich man now, but what use was money to me?
  • 现在我成了一个富翁,但这些钱对我有什么用呢?
  • He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfield[ˈkɔːnfiːld]s,and soon we were good friends.
  • 他帮我养山羊和在田地里干活,不久我们成了好朋友
  • My two nephew[ˈnefjuː; ˈnevjuː]s came to live with me.
  • 我的两个侄子来和我住在一起

6 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

  • What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?
  • 一本书没有图画和对话有什么用呢?
  • But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, looked at it, and hurried on.
  • 然后兔子从自己的口袋里掏出一块表,看了看,又开始赶路。
  • I’ve never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket, or a watch to take out of it
  • 我从未见过有口袋的兔子,或者兔子掏出一块手表来
  • Alice['ælɪs] could not stop herself falling, and down she went, too.
  • 爱丽丝不由自主地掉了下去,一直往下掉。
  • What nonsense[ˈnɒnsns] I’m talking!
  • 我在胡说些什么呀!
  • He was hurring down the long room, with some white gloves in one hand and large fan[fæn] in the other hand.
  • 他正从长房间的跑过来,一只手拿着白手套,另一只手上拿了把大扇子。
  • Then she saw a large mushroom[ˈmʌʃrʊm; ˈmʌʃruːm] near her. It was as tall as she was. She walked across to look at it, and there , on top of the mushroom, was a large caterpillar[ˈkætəpɪlə(r)], smoking a pipe.
  • 这时,她看见附近有一个大蘑菇,和她一样高。她走过去看了看,在那儿,在蘑菇顶上有一只大毛虫,正在吸烟斗呢。
  • Alice felt a little cross[krɒs] and decided to walk away.
  • 爱丽丝有点生气了,决定走开
  • For a while the Caterpillar smoked its pipe. Then it shook itself, got down off the mushroom, and moved slowly away into the grass[ɡrɑːs].
  • 毛虫吸了一会儿烟斗。然后它晃晃身子,从蘑菇上下来,慢慢地爬进草丛里
  • At last she broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroom.
  • 最后,她两手从蘑菇正相对的两边各掰下一片。
  • Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroom.
  • 爱丽丝把右手从树叶间抽出来,吃了点另外一片蘑菇
  • There was a very angry cook[kʊk] by the fire, and in the middle of the room sat the Duchess, holding a screaming baby.
  • 火边有一个厨师,气哼哼地;在房间中央坐着公爵夫人,抱着一个正尖声大叫的婴儿。
  • There was also a large cat, which was sitting on a chair and grin[ɡrɪn]ing from ear to ear.
  • 椅子上坐着一只很大的猫,正咧着大嘴笑呢
  • The Queue has invited me to play croquet[ˈkrəʊkeɪ], and I must go and get ready.
  • 王后请我打槌球,现在我得去准备一下
  • “To the left,”the Cat said,“lives a Hatter[ˈhætə(r)]. And to the right , lives a March Hare[heə(r)]. You can visit either of them. They’re both mad”
  • 猫回答:“左边住着一个制帽人。右边住了一只三月兔。你可以去看看他们中的任何一位。他们都疯了”
  • “Do you think,”she said politely[pəˈlaɪtli], “that you could come and go more slowly?”,“All right,”said the Cat, And this time it vanish[ˈvænɪʃ]ed very slowly.
  • “你说,”爱丽丝客气地说,“你可以慢一点出现,慢一点消失吗?”“可以。”猫说,这次,它慢慢地隐没。
  • Alice looked all round the table, but she could only see a teapot[ˈtiːpɒt].
  • 爱丽丝看看桌子周围,可只看看到一个茶壶
  • “The Queue!”said the second gardener suddenly, and at once, the three gardeners lay down flat[flæt] on their faces.
  • “王后!”第二个园丁突然说。三个园丁趴下,脸贴在地面上
  • It was the strangest game of croquet in Alice’s life! The balls were hedgehog[ˈhedʒhɒɡ]s, and the mallet[ˈmælɪt]s were flamingo[fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ]es. And the hoop[huːp]s were made by soldiers, who turned over and stood on their hands and feet.
  • 这是爱丽丝见过的最奇怪的槌球游戏!球是刺猬,木槌是火烈鸟。弓形小球门由士兵组成,他们转过身去,手脚着地站着。
  • You can cut the head off from anything that’s got a head
  • 你能砍头只要这个东西有头
  • The Mock Turtle was in the middle of a very sad song when they all heard a shout a long way away:“It’s beginning!”
  • 充甲鱼的一首十分悲伤的歌正唱到一半时,有个声音从远处传来:“开始!”
  • The King and Queen of Hearts were sitting on their throne[θrəʊn]s when Alice and the Gryphon[ˈɡrɪfən] arrived.
  • 当爱丽丝和鹰头翼师赶到时,红桃国王和王后正坐在宝座上
  • Soliders stood all around the Knave[neɪv] of Hearts, and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet[ˈtrʌmpɪt] in one hand.
  • 士兵们都站在红桃杰克周围,国王旁边站着白兔,手里拿着一个喇叭
  • In the middle of the room there was a table, with a large plate of tart[tɑːt]s on it.
  • 房子中间有一张桌子,上面摆了一大盘果馅饼
  • Then the White Rabbit blew his trumpet three times, and called out, “First witness[ˈwɪtnəs]!”
  • 白兔吹了三下喇叭,喊道:“传第一证人!”
