
2020-09-07 fishedee 英语

1 Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery

  • Was the borken chair an accident, or is it an important clue[kluː]?
  • 摔坏的椅子只是一次意外,还是一条重要的线索呢?
  • Her detectives, Hercule[] Poirot[] and Miss Marple[], are famous too – a short round Belgian[ˈbeldʒən] with a black moustache[], and a dear little old lady, who sees, hears, and remembers everything.
  • 她笔下的侦探,赫尔克里-波洛和马普尔小姐,也都大名鼎鼎——一个是身材矮胖,留着黑色胡子的比利时人,一个是身材矮小却非常可爱的老太太,她会看见、听到并且记住一切。
  • Some of your writing is very good, so I am sending you a letter to take to my agent, Hughes[] Massie[]
  • 有些地方你写的还是很不错的,你可以拿着我给你的信去找我的经纪人,休斯-马西。。。
  • Archie[] stayed for the rest of the afternoon, and for supper that evening.
  • 阿奇待了一个下午,还留下来吃了晚饭。
  • During the summer of 1915, Agatha[] was ill and could not do any nursing work at the hospital for three or four weeks. Then, when she returned, she went to work in the hospital dispensary[dɪˈspensəri].
  • 1915年夏天,阿加莎病倒了,有三四个星期不能做任何护理工作。病好后,她转到了医院药房工作。
  • Dartmoor['da:tmuə] was a beautiful, lonely moor[mɔː(r); mʊə(r)] in Devon[]. Agatha took Madge[]’s typewriter with her and stayed at the Moorland[ˈmɔːlənd; ˈmʊələnd] Hotel at Hay[] Tor[].
  • 达特莫尔是德文郡一篇美丽却人迹罕至的荒野,阿加莎带着玛奇的打字机住在了海伊托尔的德莫尔兰旅馆
  • It’s about my book – The Mysterious Affair[əˈfeə(r)] at Styles.
  • 是关于我的书本——《斯泰尔斯的神秘案件》
  • Mother is finding it difficult to pay all the bills at Ashfield[].
  • 妈妈觉得越来越难对付阿什菲尔德的一大堆账单了
  • “What shall we call it?”,“Styles, after you first book.”
  • “我们叫它什么好呢?”,“斯泰尔斯,以你的第一本书来命名”
  • But one of the chambermaid[ˈtʃeɪmbəmeɪd]s went to see Mrs Taylor['teɪlə], the wife of the hotel manager.
  • 旅馆的一个女服务员找到旅馆经理的妻子泰勒夫人
  • Archie stayed at Styles, but he wanted to marry Nancy[ˈnænsi] Neele[], and he asked Agatha for a divorce[dɪˈvɔːs].
  • 阿奇则住在斯泰尔斯,但他想和南希-内莱结婚,并向阿加莎提出离婚。
  • Nejef[] is the holy[ˈhəʊli] city of the dead , and Kerbala[] has a wonderful mosque[mɒsk]. When we leave here and go to Baghdad[], he’ll take you there. You can see Nippur[] on the way.
  • 奈寨是亡灵的圣地,而在克尔巴拉有一个很漂亮的清真寺。他会在我们动身去巴格达的时候带你去那儿。路上你还可以顺便去巴普尔。
  • But when they got to their hotel in Athens[ˈæθɪnz], there were seven telegram[ˈtelɪɡræm]s waiting for Agatha.
  • 然而当他们到达在雅典的旅馆时,已经有七封电报等着阿加莎了。
  • She planned her murder mysteries[] very carefully, putting a clue here, a clue there. And they are clever clues, so it is not easy to guess the name of the murderer. Who did it? We want to know, and by the end of the book, everything falls tidily[ˈtaɪdɪli] into place – and we have answer.
  • 她总是这一条线索,那一条线索地非常巧妙地布置这些神秘的谋杀案,并且这些线索都极其隐秘,所以不易猜出凶手是谁。我们想知道是谁干的,却一直要到书末,一切都水落石出的时候,才能找到答案。

2 Dracula

  • I had six hours to wait before the coach[kəʊtʃ] came to take me there, so I went into a little hotel.
  • 我必须等六个小时才能有马车来接我去那,所以我就进了一家小旅馆。
  • There was no mirror in my bedroom, but I had one with me, a present from Mina[]. One morning I was standing in front of it and I was shaving['ʃeɪvɪŋ].
  • 我的卧室没有镜子,但我带着一面小镜子,那是明娜送给我的。一天清晨,我正在镜子前刮胡子。
  • With his black cloak[kləʊk] around him, he looked like a horrible black bird – and my blood ran cold.
  • 黑色的斗篷罩在他身上,使他看起来像一只可怕的黑鸟。我吓得浑身发冷。
  • There were about fifty wooden boxes in the room. They were coffins, and they were full of earth[ɜːθ]. In one of them lay the Count! I could not say if he was dead or asleep. His eyes were open and looked cold and stony[ˈstəʊni], but his face did not look like the face of a dead man.
  • 屋里有大约50个木箱子。是棺材,里面装满了土,而伯爵就躺在其中一个棺材里!我看不出他是死了还是睡着了。他双目圆睁,看起来阴森森的,了无生气,但他的脸却并不像一个死人的脸。
  • At night, Lucy and I slept in one room, but sometimes she walked in her sleep.
  • 晚上,露西和我同住一屋,但她有时梦游。
  • The next day, Van[] Helsing[] and I went back into the tomb again and opened the lid[] of the coffin.
  • 第二天我和范赫尔辛又来到了墓地,掀开棺材的盖子。
  • You must take this piece of wood in your left hand, and the hammer in your right hand. Then you must drive the wood through Lucy’s heart.
  • 你必须左手拿着这块木头,右手拿着锤子,然后把木头钉进露西的心脏。


  • Perhaps I was like her when I was twelve. I, too, was always asking questions and wanting answers immediately.
  • 我12岁时可能也和她一样,总爱问问题并总想马上知道答案。
  • Both Anne[] and Katherine['kæθərin] were behead[bɪˈhed]ed in that terrible prison, the Tower of London.
  • 安妮和凯瑟琳都是在伦敦塔那个可怕的监狱里被砍头的
  • He divorced her. She lived a lonely life with only a few friends, and died a broken and unhappy woman about ten years ago.
  • 他和她离婚了。她一直孤独地生活着,身边仅有几个朋友。大约十年前,她身心俱焚,郁郁而终。
  • So Henry[ˈhenri] broke with the Pope[pəʊp] and the Catholic Church, and that’s how the Church of England began.
  • 所以亨利与教皇和天主教会决裂了,英格兰国教就是这样创建的。
  • There has only ever been one Queen in England, and that was a terrible time, with a lot of fighting and killing.
  • 在英格兰只有过一位女王,那是个可怕的年代,到处是争斗和杀戮。
  • He wanted a son, but she only gave him a daughter, Princess Elizabeth.She nearly had another baby, but she had a miscarriage[ˈmɪskærɪdʒ; ˌmɪsˈkærɪdʒ] after only a few months.
  • 他想要个儿子,而她只给他生了个女儿,就是伊丽莎白公主。她差点就有了另一个孩子,但怀孕仅仅几个月就流产了。
  • “Did they have a son?”,“No,they didn’t. They weren’t married for very long.”
  • “他们有儿子吗?”,“不,他们没有。他们结婚的时间并不长。”

4 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  • I had to stay with him in a hut[hʌt] in the woods and I couldn’t go out by myself.
  • 我不得不和他待在树林中的一个小木屋里,我不能独自外出。
  • All kinds of things came down the river and one night there was a little wooden house, lying half on its side.
  • 各种各样的东西从河上游漂了下来。一天夜里,有一座小木房子斜着浮在水面上。
  • Another night, when we were out looking for things on the river, we found a raft[rɑːft]. It was made of good, strong wood, and was about four metres by five metres.
  • 又一天夜里,当我们出去寻找河上的东西时,我们发现了一个木筏子。它是由很好、很结实的木头做成的,大约5米长,4米宽。
  • Suddenly, a big steamboat[ˈstiːmbəʊt] came at us very fast, and the next minute it was right over us. Jim and I jumped off the raft into the water.
  • 突然,一只汽船速度很快地冲着我们开过来了,紧接着,它朝我们头顶上压过来。吉姆和我跳下木筏到水里。
  • I knew Jim would say that.He was a good, true friend, and you can’t say that about many people.
  • 我知道,吉姆会这样说的。他是一个真正的好朋友,对许多其他的人,你是不会这样说的。
  • They took Tom up to bed because his legs was really bad, and Aunt Sally sat with him while he slept. I didn’t want to answer any questions so I kept out of everybody’s way.
  • 他们把汤姆放在床上,因为,他腿的伤势很重。他睡觉时,萨利姨妈坐在他的身边。我不想回答任何问题,所以,我远远地躲开大家。

5 The Mystery of Allegra

  • We were driving along a dark road when my mother saw a sign, which said in big letters: Villa[ˈvɪlə] Henderson[] – Bed and Breakfast.
  • 我们的车沿着漆黑的路行驶,妈妈看见一块标牌,上面写着大大的字:亨德森庄园——住宿加早餐
  • My father turned right and drove along an old road. When we arrived, we saw a big villa[ˈvɪlə] with tall black trees around it.
  • 爸爸开车右转,将车开到了一条旧路上。到了门前,我们看到一座很大的别墅,四周环绕着高大阴森的树木。
  • There were two big armchair[ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)]s in front of the fire and a large black dog was sleeping in one of them.
  • 壁炉前有两张大扶手椅,其中一张椅子上睡着一条黑色的大狗。
  • Now the room was very dark, so I walked with my hands out in front of me, to try and find the light on the table by the bed.
  • 此时,屋子里一片漆黑,我只能伸出双手试探着移动,想要找到床边桌上的台灯。
  • Her blond hair was as bright as sunlight round her pale face.
  • 金色的头发披散在苍白的面孔旁,如阳光般灿烂
  • It’s a convent[ˈkɒnvənt] school and the teachers are Italian nun[]s.
  • 它是一所女修道院学校,老师都是意大利修女。
  • Oh, don’t shake the water over us, Nero - you bad boy!
  • 哦,别把水甩到我们身上,尼罗,你这个坏家伙。
  • When I was going out of the cemetery, I saw a tombstone[ˈtuːmstəʊn] with some English words on it.
  • 就在我即将走出墓地时,我看到了一块刻着英文的墓碑。

6 Stories from the Five Towns

  • They are not famous or important people. They work in shops and factories; they fall in , and out of, love; they argue and they quarrel[ˈkwɒrəl].
  • 这些人既不是名人,也不是什么大人物。他们在商店和工厂工作;他们恋爱又失恋;他们会拌嘴,会争吵。
  • I was thinking about what to say to my mother when Mr Nixon[] went home. At the end of the meal I told my mother that I must go to the post office.
  • 我一直在想尼克松先生回家以后,我正在考虑如何对母亲说。吃完饭后,我告诉母亲我必须去趟邮局。
  • Perhaps, like all sons, I thought only about myself and my life. So I decided to say nothing about my news, and that evening my mother came first for me.
  • 大概和所有当儿子的一样,我只想着自己和自己的生活,所以我决定不说自己的事,在那个晚上母亲是最重要的。
  • But the portrait was by Cressage[], the finest portrait painter in England, and a portrait by Cressage cost a thousand pounds or more.
  • 但这是克雷塞奇的画,它是英格兰最好的肖像画家。一幅克雷塞奇的肖像画至少值1000英镑。
  • A wonderfully clever portrait of a successful businessman from a small town; a little man who has made a lot of money and who thinks he is very important.
  • 对来自小镇的成功商人的绝妙刻画;一个自以为是的暴发户。
  • He was one of the town magistrate[ˈmædʒɪstreɪt]s. While he travelled into town, he thought about his plan for the portrait.
  • 他是镇上的地方法官之一。在去镇上的途中,他思索着关于肖像的计划。
  • We are slow, silent people, we of the Five Towns. Perhaps it is because we make pottery[ˈpɒtəri], which is slow,silent work.
  • 我们是一群慢吞吞而且不爱说话的人,我是说我们五镇的人。也许这是因为我们制陶的缘故,这是个安静的慢活儿。
  • Toby[] Hall[hɔːl] was born in Turnhill[], the smallest of the Five Towns. Last New Year’s Eve[iːv] he was travelling by train from Crewe to Derby, which was now his home town.
  • 托比-霍尔出生在特恩希尔,这是五镇中最小的一个镇子。去年的新年前夜,他从克鲁坐火车到德比,那儿是他现在的家乡。
  • This was his first visit to the Five Towns for twenty-three years, but Knype[] station was still the same, and so were the times of the trains to Turnhill. The train was the same, too.
  • 这是他23年来第一次回五镇,不过克尼普车站一点儿都没变,开往特恩希尔的列车时刻表也没变,连火车也和原来的一样。
  • He changed his name from Hall, and started work as a potter[ˈpɒtə(r)] in Derby.
  • 他把霍尔这个名字也改了,开始在德比当陶匠。
  • “Good coal[kəʊl].”,“Seventy pence a tonne[tʌn].”
  • “好煤”,“70便士一吨”
  • John and Robert Hessian[ˈhesiən], brothers and bachelor[ˈbætʃələ(r)]s, sat together after supper in their house in Oldcastle[] Street, Bursley[].
  • 约翰-赫斯和罗伯特-赫斯两兄弟都是单身汉。他们晚餐后一起坐在伯斯利古堡大街的房子里。
  • The slate[sleɪt] was on a table near the fire. Maggie['mægɪ] gave it, and its pencil, to Robert.
  • 写字板放在壁炉旁的一张桌子上。玛吉把写字板和附带的铅笔递给罗伯特
  • Maggie was the first to see that the brothers were not speaking. Then it was their best friend, Mr Liversage[], the solicitor[səˈlɪsɪtə(r)], and some of their other friends.
  • 玛吉是第一个发现兄弟俩不说话的人。接着是他们最好的朋友,律师利弗西奇先生,还有其他一些朋友。
  • Tweleve thousand pounds between two people was a lot of money for each of them.
  • 两个人分12,000英镑,这对他们俩来说都是一大笔钱
  • They said very unkind, very unbrotherly[] things, and they were both very angry.
  • 他们都说了一些非常恶毒的、有悖兄弟之情的话,两人都很生气。
  • John toss[tɒs]ed the penny and put his hand over it.”Heads or tails”,“Tails”
  • 约翰抛出硬币,然后用手盖住了它。“正面还是背面”,“背面”。
  • The service[ˈsɜːvɪs] was beginning when she walked in. She was wearing white flowers on her hat!
  • 她来时,礼拜已经开始了。她的帽子上带着白色的花!
  • I’ve quarrelled with Robert. I can’t stay at home. Can I sleep in your spare[speə(r)] room?
  • 我和罗伯特吵架了,我不能呆在家里了。我能在这儿的客房里睡一晚吗?

7 Ear-Rings from Frankfurt

  • The evening surgery[ˈsɜːdʒəri] was always busy on Thursdays but tonight was worse than usual.
  • 虽然星期四的夜间门诊总是很忙碌,但今晚的情况比通常更糟。
  • The last patient[ˈpeɪʃnt] didn’t leave until eight-thirty. And then I had a visit from Richard.
  • 最后一个病人直到8点半才离开,之后理查德又跑来找我。
  • She saw some ear-rings and then remembered the gold ear-rings on the girl at Maxim[]’s. They were large and looked very expensive – and they looked all wrong next to that small unhappy face.
  • 她看见了一些耳环,不仅想起了马克西姆餐厅里那个女孩儿所佩戴的金耳环。那对耳环很大,似乎价值不菲,看起来与那张娇小而愁眉不展的脸庞格格不入。
  • “Er – just a minute,” he called after her, “I want a word with you.” He sounded a little cross.
  • 他叫住她说:“嗯——稍等,我有几句话想跟你说。”听他的语气似乎有些生气。
  • I’m just round the corner from your flat. Can I come up? I’ll be there in three minutes.
  • 我就在你公寓附近的拐角处。我能上去吗?3分钟就到。
  • She looked at her visitor, and began to put two and two together. “And you must be Wendy”
  • 她上下打量了一下来访者,心里不由得开始推测。“那你一定是温迪了。”
  • I didn’t sleep much that night. Or the next. I wanted to tell Richard['ritʃəd] but he was out of town on another of Kelly’s jobs.
  • 那天晚上,也许是之后的那个晚上,我辗转难眠。我想告诉理查德,但他却出城处理凯利交代的另一件事情去了。
  • Then Richard went off to buy a newspaper, and after that we sat around for about half an hour.
  • 然后理查德出门买了份报纸,之后我们便无所事事地坐着呆了半个小时。
  • Everything will be all right. I will speak to Chief[tʃiːf] Superintendent[ˌsuːpərɪnˈtendənt; ˌsjuːpərɪnˈtendənt] Edwards in London, and there’ll be no trouble for you.
  • 一切都会安然无恙的。我会告诉伦敦的总警司爱德华,你们不会遇上麻烦的。
  • Early on Wednesday morning Richard called in to see me.
  • 星期三一大早理查德跑来找我。
