
2020-09-19 fishedee 英语

8 The Jungle Book

  • It was the jackal[ˈdʒækl; ˈdʒækɔːl], Tabaqui[], who eats everything and anything, even pieces of old clothes from the villages.
  • 是豺狼塔巴奎,一个什么都吃的家伙,连从村子里找到的旧衣裳碎片也不放过
  • By the Law of Jungle[ˈdʒʌŋɡl] he must tell us first, before he comes here to hunt.
  • 按照“森林法则”,他在来这里捕猎之前,必须提前通知我们
  • He listened to the angry noise of a tiger who has not eaten.
  • 他听着饥饿的老虎愤怒的吼叫声
  • The baby, small and with no clothes, pushed its way between the cub[kʌb]s to get near to Mother Wolf. “Look,” she said, “he is taking his meal with the others.”
  • 孩子个头很小,身上也没有穿衣服。他在狼崽们之间挤出一条路来,想走到狼妈妈的身边。“看,”她说,“他和其他孩子一样来吃奶了。”
  • “The man’s cub belongs to me! It is I, Shere[] Khan[kɑːn], who speaks!” And Shere Khan’s roar[rɔː(r)] filled the cave with noise.
  • “这个人崽儿是我的!应该由我希尔汗说了算!”整个山洞都回荡着希尔汗的怒吼声
  • But what will the other wolves of the Pack[pæk] say?
  • 但是狼族里的其他狼会怎么说?
  • Look well! Who speaks for this man-cub? Two voices, who are not his father and mother , must speak for him.
  • 看仔细点!谁愿意为这个人类的婴儿说情?必须有他父母之外的两个人为他说情。
  • Silently, another animal jumped down into the circle. It was Bagheera[] the panther[ˈpænθə(r)], black as the night, clever, strong, and dangerous.
  • 另外一只动物无声无息地跃进了狼群中间,原来是黑豹巴格拉,他全身漆黑,聪明、强壮而危险。
  • The monkeys jumped from treetop[ˈtriːtɒp] to treetop, crashing through the leaves and branches.
  • 猴子们在树梢上跳来跳去,压得树叶和树枝噼啪作响
  • High up in the blue sky he saw Chil[] the kite[kaɪt]. The big bird saw that the monkeys were carrying a man-cub.
  • 他看到那只名叫奇尔的鸢正在高高的蓝天上飞翔。这只大鸟看到猴子们抬着一个人类的小孩。
  • But they are afarid of Kaa[], the big python[ˈpaɪθən]. He can climb as easily as the monkeys, and he eats them.
  • 不过他们害怕大蟒蛇卡阿。他爬树的本领和猴子们不相上下,而且他还吃猴子。
  • There were many beautiful buildings, but the walls were broken and full of holes, and there were tall trees in houses that were now open to the sky.
  • 城里有很多美丽的建筑,不过墙壁都已经破败不堪,千疮百孔。房子里长着参天的树木,屋顶都没了。
  • You are very happy here with us. We are great. We are wonderful. We all say so, and so it is true.
  • 和我们呆在一起,你在这里会过得很开心的。我们是很了不起、很出色的。我们都这么说,所以这就是真理。
  • Then Mowgli[] remembered something. There were a big tank[tæŋk] of water near one of the buildings.
  • 突然莫格利想起了些什么。有一座房子附近有一个大水箱。
  • Mowgli heard a splash[splæʃ] when Bagheera jumped into the tank. The monkeys were afraid of water and could not follow him there.
  • 莫格利听到水花溅起的声音,原来是巴格拉跳进了水箱里。猴子们怕水,所以不敢跟着他跳下去。
  • You have given me my life tonight. When I kill, it will be for you if you are hungry.
  • 今晚你救了我,所以以后你要是饿的话,我捕获的东西就归你。
  • Slowly, never hurrying, Kaa went softly out in front of the lines of sitting monkeys and began to dance.
  • 卡阿轻轻地滑到端坐成排的猴子面前,开始从容不迫地跳起舞来。
  • If he looked hard at any wolf, the wolf could not meet his eyes and looked away.
  • 如果他使劲盯着某只狼看,那只狼就会不敢正视自己,转而把目光移开。
  • Not even I can look in your eyes. That is why they want to kill you.
  • 连我都无法直视你的眼睛。这就是为什么他们想要杀死你。
  • Then something began to hurt Mowgli inside him and, for the first time in his life, tears ran down his face.
  • 莫格利感到心里一阵剧痛,眼泪从脸上滑落下来,这还是他生平第一次流泪。
  • The villagers did not like this, and after that they sent Mowgli out every day with the other boys, to look after the herd[hɜːd]s of cows and buffalo[ˈbʌfələʊ]es while they ate.
  • 听到这话,村民们很不高兴。从那以后,他们打发莫格利每天和其他男孩们一起,到村外去照顾奶牛和水牛吃草。
  • Does he think that I shall wait until he has slept.
  • 他以为我会等到他睡够了才会行动吗?
  • I can take the buffaloes round to the top end and chase[tʃeɪs] Shere Khan down the ravine[rəˈviːn].
  • 我可以赶着水牛群绕到山顶,然后把希尔汗赶到峡谷里。

9 The Children of the New Forest

  • They must learn to live off[] the land – to hunt for meat in the forest , to plant vegetables, to look after the pigs and chickens.
  • 他们必须学会靠土地生活——学习在森林里猎食,学习种菜,学习喂猪养鸡。
  • A few minutes later Jacob[] saw black smoke going up into the sky; then he saw flame[fleɪm]s at the windows.
  • 几分钟后,雅各布看到黑烟升上天空,然后他看到了窗口冒出来的火苗。
  • In half an hour he arrived at his cottage[ˈkɒtɪdʒ]. He looked back and saw the flames of Arnwood[] shooting higher and higher above the trees.
  • 半个小时后到了自己的农舍。他回头看了看,看到安伍德的火越烧越旺,火苗在树顶上越升越高。
  • At last, he lifted his gun and shot one of the deer behind the shoulder. The deer dropped to its knees and fell dead, and the other deer ran away.
  • 最后,他举起枪朝其中一只鹿的后背开了一枪。那只鹿跪倒在地上死了,其他的鹿纷纷逃散。
  • With the money he bought things for the vegetable garden, a big bag of oatmeal[ˈəʊtmiːl] for the winter, and a gun for Edward.
  • 他用那些钱买了菜园里需要的东西,一大袋冬天吃的燕麦片和一支给爱德华的枪。
  • She’s left the other cows because of her new-born calf[kɑːf]. So she’s alone, and we can catch her.
  • 她为了刚出生的小牛离开了其他的牛,所以落单了,我们可以逮住她。
  • I’ve come to ask him for a puppy[ˈpʌpi] for my grandfather.
  • 我来是为了替我爷爷向他要一只小狗
  • One day Humphrey[] was out in the forest, getting food for the pigs, and he found a Spanish[ˈspænɪʃ] gipsy[ˈdʒɪpsi] boy lying on the ground.
  • 有一天,汉弗莱在森林里找猪食时,发现一个西班牙吉普赛男孩躺在地上。
  • Edward, you are young and you can’t remember the troubles in England because of King Charles[].
  • 爱德华,你年纪小,不记得国王查理给英国造成的问题。

10 The Love of a King

  • Next month I’ll make you the Prince of Wales[weɪlz] and these are your clothes for the ceremony[ˈserəməni]
  • 下个月我要封你为威尔士亲王,这是你要在典礼上穿的衣服
  • He shakes a thousand hands. He is a man of the people with a heart of gold.
  • 他和上千人握手。他有颗金子般的心。
  • I’m afraid that our English houses aren’t very warm, We don’t have American central heating here.
  • 恐怕我们英国的房子不够暖和,我们这儿没有美国的中央供暖系统
  • The Archbishop[ˌɑːtʃˈbɪʃəp] stood up to go, but then turned ant touched the King’s arm. “Please, sir, think again. The Church will be against you.”
  • 大主教站起身要走,但又回过头来,拍拍国王的手臂。“陛下,请您在想象。教会会反对您的”
  • On the journey from Athens[ˈæθɪnz] to Istanbul[], the King took off his shirt to get brown in the sun. It was hot, and ten minutes later he was asleep.
  • 在从雅典前往伊斯坦布尔的旅途中,国王脱去衬衫做日光浴。天气很热,十分钟后他就睡着了。
  • He went into a small, cold room at the top of the building. From there , he spoke on BBC radio to Britain and the world.
  • 他走进城堡顶部一间狭小阴冷的房间。在那里,他通过BBC的广播向英国和全世界讲了话。
  • As you know, we have a house in Paris, But France is not my home, and I want to live again at Windsor[ˈwɪnzə(r)] with Wallis['vɑ:lis] by my side.
  • 你知道,我们在巴黎有一所房子。但法国不是我的家,我想和沃利斯一起回温莎去住。

11 Shorlock Holmes Short Stories

  • He is a blood hound[haʊnd], a police dog, with his nose to the ground – following the criminal to the end of the world.
  • 他像猎犬和警犬一样,鼻子贴在地上——追踪罪犯到世界的尽头。
  • He’s more and more violent[ˈvaɪələnt] now , and sometimes has fight[faɪt]s with the people from the village.
  • 他现在越来越粗暴了,有时还和村里的人打架
  • Suddenly I heard a woman’s scream. It was my sister’s voice. I ran into the corridor, and just then I heard a whistle[ˈwɪsl], and a minute later the sound of falling metal.
  • 突然,我听到一个女人的尖叫。那是我姐姐的声音。我冲进走廊,就在那时我听到了口哨声,一分钟后又听到了金属落地的声音。
  • That also is interesting. Why have an air-vent[] on an inside wall? Air-vents are usually on outside walls.
  • 那通风口也很有意思。为什么在内墙上开通风口呢?通风口通常是开在外墙上的。
  • Roylott[] was sitting on a chair, and his eyes were fixed on the air-vent. Round his head was a strange, yellow speckled[ˈspekld] band[bænd].
  • 罗伊诺特正坐在一把椅子上,眼睛盯着通风口。他的头上缠着一根奇怪的、有黄色斑点的带子
  • So every night he put the snake through the air-vent, and it went down the bell-rope onto the bed. Of course, nobody must see the snake, so every night he whistled to call it back.
  • 所以每天晚上他把蛇放到通风口那里,让它顺着拉铃绳爬到床上。当然不能有人看到这条蛇,所以每天晚上他吹口哨把它叫回去。
  • If you cannot help, there will be difficulty and trouble for one of the most important families in Europe - and perhaps a very big scandal[ˈskændl].
  • 如果你不能帮忙,欧洲最重要的家族之一将会遇到困难和麻烦——甚至可能是一桩很大的丑闻。
  • He didn’t like the black Americans, so during the Civil[ˈsɪvl] War he fought against the men from the North, and with those from the South.
  • 他不喜欢美国黑人,所以内战期间他和南方人一起跟北方人打仗。
  • When he opened the envelope, five little orange pip[pɪp]s fell on to his plate. I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle’s white face.
  • 当他打开信封,五个桔核掉到他的盘子上。我笑起来,但是看到叔叔苍白的脸色就笑不出来了。
  • They’re all sea port[pɔːt]s. The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters.
  • 它们都是海港,信是在船上写的。
  • They wanted to stop equality[iˈkwɒləti] for black people and to kill anyone who didn’t agree with them.
  • 他们想阻止黑人得到平等权利,还杀死所有与他们意见不同的人。

12 Dead Man’s Island

  • Jake[dʒeɪk] Rosso[] was my favourite singer. He died in a car accident the year I left school , but I listened to his pop record[ˈrekɔːd]s all the time.
  • 杰克-罗素是我最喜欢的歌手。我离校那年他死于一次车祸,但我一直在听他的流行歌曲唱片。
  • Soon we were near the island. I could see the beaches and the cliff[klɪf]s.
  • 不久我们就离这个岛近了。我能看到海滩和峭壁了。
  • He opened the back of my camera and took out the film.”Hey!What are you doing?You’ll spoil[spɔɪl] my film!”
  • 他打开相机后盖,把胶卷取出来。“嘿!你干什么呢?你会毁了我的胶卷的!”
  • Then I saw the door at the end of the passage. There was a large plant[plɑːnt] in a plant pot outside the door.
  • 然后我看到走廊尽头有一扇门。门外的花盆里有一株很大的植物。
  • Mr Ross can have locked rooms if he wants them.
  • 罗斯先生要是想的话,当然可以有锁起来的房间
  • I began to see another face in the poster[ˈpəʊstə(r)]s. An older face, and with a moustache, but the same face.
  • 我开始在海报上看出另一张脸。这张脸显得年龄大了一些,留着胡子,但又是一模一样。

13 The Canterville Ghost

  • Most grand[ɡrænd] old houses have a family ghost of some kind. Sometimes it is a quiet and kindly ghost, and sometimes it is a noisy one, always banging doors and crashing about in chains.
  • 大多数古老的宅子里都会有些幽灵。有时会是个安静、善良的幽灵;有时候则是个闹哄哄的家伙,总是不停地摔门,咯啷咯啷地晃着锁链。
  • Mrs Otis[] was a very beautiful woman, and looked just as English as an Englishwoman. American people are really no different from English people - but they do, of course, speak a different language.
  • 奥斯都太太是位非常漂亮的女人,看上去就跟英国女人一样。其实美国人和英国人没什么两样——但他们讲的话确实不同。
  • The old housekeeper got shakily[] to her feet.
  • 老管家颤颤巍巍地站了起来
  • He cleaned the floor again with the little black stick, but the next morning the stain[steɪn] apperad once more.
  • 他又用黑色小棒清洁了地板,可第二天早晨血迹又出现了。
  • But when he got to the top of the stairs, a door opened, two little people appeared, and large pillow[ˈpɪləʊ] went flying past his head!
  • 但就在他上到楼梯顶上的时候,有扇门打开了,出现了两个小人影,一个硕大的枕头从他头上“呼”地飞了过去!
  • He began to put on the suit of armour[ˈɑːmə(r)] , but it was too heavy for him, and he and some of the armour fell to the floor with a loud CRASH.
  • 他开始穿戴盔甲,可它太重了,只听“哐当”一声,他连人带盔甲都摔倒了地上。
  • Mr Otis brought out his handgun and, like the good Californian he was, called out to the ghost:“Hold up your hands!”
  • 奥蒂斯先生掏出了手枪,像加利福尼亚的好汉一样对幽灵大喝道:“把手举起来!”
  • At last he decided on a dead man’s shroud[ʃraʊd], a large black hat with a red feather in it, and a long knife.
  • 他最终决定,身穿裹尸布,大黑帽,帽插红羽毛,手持长刀。
  • I’ll make ghostly noises to wake him up, then I’ll push my knife into my neck three times, to the sound of slow music.
  • 我先一阵鬼叫把他吵醒,然后合着缓慢的音乐节拍,用刀子戳进我的脖子三次。
  • It had a large head with no hair on it, and a fat round face with a deathly smile across its open mouth. A red light burned like fire inside its mouth and behind both of its eyes.
  • 它的头硕大无比,没长头发,肥胖的圆脸上咧着张嘴,露出死一般的微笑。嘴和双眼燃烧着火一般的红光。
  • There was a brush, and a turnip[ˈtɜːnɪp] with holes in it lying at his feet.
  • 他的脚下躺着一把刷子和一个上面有洞的芜菁
  • Ghostly appearance[əˈpɪərəns]s were different, of course.
  • 幽灵的外形当然是可以变化的。
  • They put butter on the top stair, and one night his feet went from under him and he went crashing down the stairs to the bottom.
  • 他们还在楼梯顶端抹上黄油,有天晚上幽灵脚一滑,从楼梯顶上一直滚到最底下。
  • The door was open a little way. Pushing it hard, the ghost walked into the room - and a heavy jug[dʒʌɡ] of water fell right down on him.
  • 卧室门虚掩着。幽灵用力推开门,走进房间——一大壶水正好浇在他身上
  • The ghost was very frightened, of course, and ran to the stairs. But Washington[ˈwɒʃɪŋtən] Otis was waiting for him there, with a big garden-syringe[sɪˈrɪndʒ].
  • 幽灵被吓坏了,连忙向楼梯跑去。可是华盛顿-奥蒂斯正在那儿恭候着,手中拿着浇花用的巨大喷水器。
  • They put nutshell[ˈnʌtʃel]s all along the passages, which made walking around difficult for everyone in the house, but the ghost did not appear.
  • 他们在走廊里全部撒上果壳,这下倒让屋里的人走起路来都别别扭扭的,可幽灵还是没有出现。
  • He once appeared before the brother of the Duke’s grandfather as the Horseman of Death. The poor man’s hair turned white in one night.
  • 曾经有一次,他变成死神马脸出现在公爵的一个叔爷面前,那个可怜人一夜之间便白了头发。
  • Her little mouth tremble[ˈtrembl]d like the leaves of a flower, and she looked at him kindly.
  • 她的小嘴抖得像花儿的叶子,她温柔地看着他。
  • The moon looks down, and the big old tree puts out its arms over the sleepers.
  • 月光下,巨大的古树伸出枝叶,覆盖着沉睡的人
  • Horrible shapes will come to frighten you in the darkness, and you’ll hear terrible voices in your ear, but they cannot hurt you. They cannot win the fight against the goodness[ˈɡʊdnəs] of a little child.
  • 可怕的怪物会在黑暗中恐吓你,你会听到可怕的声音,但是他们伤害不了你。他们战胜不了一个孩子的善良。
  • Suddenly the wall opened and there was a great black hole in front of her. A cold wind came out of the darkness, and she could feel something pulling at her dress.
  • 突然,墙面打开了,她身前出现了一个巨大的黑洞。一股冷风从黑暗处刮了出来,她感到仿佛又东西在拽着她的裙子。
