
2022-03-11 fishedee 英语

6 Desert,Moutain,Sea

  • It had all seemed so different back home in Adelaide[ˈædəleɪd], sitting in the garden and reading books about camels.
  • 自己在阿德莱德的家中,坐在花园里,读着关于骆驼的书籍时的情形,那时的光景跟现在是多么的不同啊!
  • His job was to bring camels from the bush[bʊʃ] and to sell them as meat to Arab countries.
  • 他的工作就是把骆驼从未开垦的荒野带出来再把它们的肉贩卖到阿拉伯国家去。
  • Everything Robyn learnt would be extremely useful to her when she was alone in the bush.
  • 罗宾学到的每一样东西都对她以后独自在荒野生活非常有用。
  • She’s got a bad chest.You’ll have to give her injection[ɪnˈdʒekʃn]s every day.
  • 它的胸腔有问题。你每天都得给它打针。
  • Bull[bʊl] camels were not the best, because they were very strong and could be violent.
  • 公骆驼并不是最好的选择,因为他们非常强壮,而且具有攻击性。
  • Water – for big containers just for the camels, clothes, ropes , raido,cassette[kəˈset] recorder with tapes of the Aboriginal language Peitjantjra, maps ,compass, rifle[ˈraɪfl], knife – these were just a few of the supplies that the camels had to carry.
  • 水——光是给骆驼喝的就装了四个大罐子——还有衣服、绳子、收音机以及录有皮特建特加拉土著语的磁带、地图、指南针、步枪、刀——这只是需要骆驼来驮运的一部分东西。
  • Fortunately, when she woke up next morning, the camels were still there and she had not been bitten by a scorpion[ˈskɔːpiən].
  • 幸运的是,第二天早上她醒来的时候,骆驼还在那儿。
  • She knew which ones were good to eat, and as a result she became very healthy and strong.
  • 她知道哪些野菜吃了有益身体,这方面的知识让她变得十分健康强壮。
  • Robyn got a muzzle[ˈmʌzl] for Diggity to wear round her mouth. The local farmers put poison on the ground to kill the dingo[]s, which are Australian wild dogs.
  • 罗宾给迪吉的嘴上戴了个口套。当地农民在地上撒毒药,用来毒死澳洲野狗。
  • Robyn gave Zelly forty pills a day, hidden inside an orange.
  • 罗宾每天把40粒药丸藏在一个橙子中喂给泽莉。
  • Eight men had reached the summit[ˈsʌmɪt] but another nine had lost their lives on the dangerous mountain.
  • 有八名男子到达顶峰,而另外九人在这座危机暗伏的山上丧生。
  • One in ten of the people who go there do not come back. Annapurna was very dangerous because of its avalanches[].
  • 上那儿去的人中有十分之一一去不返。安纳布尔纳峰则因它的雪崩而显得尤为危险。
  • The women enjoyed the easy walking and the stop[stɒp]s at the villages along the way.
  • 她们享受着轻松的旅程和在沿途村落短暂停留的时光。
  • Then the monsoon[ˌmɒnˈsuːn] rains came. August was the worst month for rain.
  • 接着,雨季来临了。八月是降雨最厉害的季节。
  • Arlene knew that on some expeditions all the porters just ran away in bad weather, and left the climbers with no one to carry their equipment.
  • 阿琳知道有些探险队的搬运工会在恶劣的天气里全跑光,只剩下那些没人帮忙搬装备的登山者。
  • They had to reach the summit during a break[breɪk] between the monsoons and the really bad winter weather, when climbing high would become impossible.
  • 她们必须在雨季之后、真正的寒冬来临之前的那段间歇时期到达顶峰,冬天里登山是不可能的。
  • We have to cross the glacier[ˈɡlæsiə(r)] and at any moment we could fall down a crevasse[] and be lost forever.
  • 我们得穿越冰川,而且随时可能掉下冰隙,永远消失!
  • It was called ‘The Dutch[dʌtʃ] Rib’ because it was the route the Dutch team had taken on their expedition in 1977. The route was extremely narrow – often only a few centimetres wide – with drop[drɒp]s of hundreds of metres on each side.
  • 人们称它作“荷兰肋”,因为1977年的荷兰探险队走的就是这条路。这条路异乎寻常的窄——常常只有几厘米宽——两边都是几百米深的悬崖。
  • There would be a second team of three more women , but perhaps they would not get a chance to try for the summit.
  • 第二队会有三个女队员,但她们也许不会有机会尝试登顶。
  • Work at the hairdresser’s salon[] was boring, and the women who worked there were so different from her.
  • 理发店的工作很无聊,在那里工作的女人和她大不相同。
  • To her surprise, at the end of their talk Rob offered her a job as deckhand[ˈdekhænd] and cook on the yacht[jɒt].
  • 出乎她意料的是,谈话结束时罗布给了她一份工作,让她在船上做水手兼厨师。
  • Sailing single-handed is the most dangerous way to sail.
  • 单人航行是最危险的航行方式。
  • A Sailomat[] would help with this problem. This was a piece of equipment which could steer the boat automatically when Naomi was resting , or doing something else.
  • 赛乐马特牌自动掌舵系统可以帮助这个问题。这种装备可以在娜奥米休息或者做其他事情时自动驾驶帆船。
  • You’ll need at least 60,000 to buy and refit[ˈriːfɪt] a boat.
  • 你至少需要60,000英镑去购买和改装一艘船。
  • She knew that she had to be confident herself if she wanted other people to have confidence in her.
  • 她知道,要想让别人对自己有信心,自己首先得有信心。
  • Everything on the boat had to be waterproof[ˈwɔːtəpruːf].
  • 船上所有的东西都得是防水的。
  • Naomi knew it would only take twenty minutes for a ship to come over the horizon[həˈraɪzn] and hit her.
  • 娜奥米知道,一艘船从进入视线到撞上她只需要20分钟的时间。
  • There she found that part of the rudder[ˈrʌdə(r)] on the Sailomat was broken.
  • 她发现赛乐马特的舵坏了。
  • Naomi was on course[kɔːs] for the Canary Islands.
  • 娜奥米还是驶上了去加纳利群的航路。
  • I’ve got sunstroke[ˈsʌnstrəʊk]. I spent too long in the hot sun yesterday when I was on deck repairing the Salilomat.
  • 我中暑了。昨天在甲板上修赛乐马特的时候,我在酷热的太阳底下呆得太久了。
  • This meant putting very heavy ropes over the stern[stɜːn], or back, of the boat to make it travel slowly, and stop it from leaving its course. Naomi preferred to ‘stream[striːm] warp[wɔːp]s’.She thought that Express Crusader[] could capsize[kæpˈsaɪz] if she tried to ‘lie a-hull[hʌl]’. Capsizing, or turning over completely, was a real possibility in a very bad storm.
  • 这是把很重的绳索放在船尾,也就是船的后方,让船开得慢点,防止其偏离航道。娜奥米更喜欢“漂流绞索”。他觉得要是“落帆并躲进船体”的话,“十字军特快”号会倾覆。在大暴雨中,倾覆,也就是彻底翻船是非常有可能的。
  • She knew that there would be danger from storms and icebergs[].
  • 她知道前面会有暴风雪和冰山的威胁。
  • All night Naomi lay on her bed wearing her oilskins[], waiting. At midday the next day, a very big wave broke over the side of the boat and went into the map room.
  • 整个晚上,娜奥米都穿着油布移库,躺在床上等着。第二天正午时分,一个巨大的海浪盖过船舷,冲进了地图室。
  • She stayed one day ahead of Sir Francis Chichester[ˈtʃɪtʃəstə(r)]’s time, and hoped to beat his record.
  • 她保持着比佛朗西斯-奇切斯特爵士的时间快一天的进度,并希望打破他的记录。

7 Lord Jim

  • He is the first mate[meɪt] on board the Patna, an old ship taking 800 passengers across the Indian Ocean.
  • 他是“帕特纳号”的大副,这艘旧船载着800名乘客在横渡印度洋时遇险了。
  • It is the story of Jim’s search for his lost honour – a journey into the dark places of the soul, where dreams and fears move like shadows across the face of the moon…
  • 故事讲述了吉姆找寻失去的荣耀的过程——通向灵魂阴暗处的心路历程,在那里,梦想和恐惧就像掠过月亮表面的阴影。
  • When Jim spent a whole summer reading sea stories, his father was delighted, and decided that Jim would join the merchant[ˈmɜːtʃənt] navy at once.
  • 因为吉姆整个夏天都在读关于航海的故事,父亲高兴地决定立即让他加入商船队。
  • He had arranged to take eight hundred pilgrim[ˈpɪlɡrɪm]s to the city of Mecca[ˈmekə] in Saudi[ˈsaʊdi] Arabia[əˈreɪbiə].
  • 他已经安排运送八百个朝圣者去沙特阿拉伯的麦加。
  • The chief and the captain had worked together on many ships, and people in the Patna’s homeport said that they had been guilty of every crime you could think of , at one time or another.
  • 轮机长和船长曾在很多船上一起共事,据帕特纳号船籍港的人说,这两个人无恶不作,一直没老实过。
  • Suddenly the engineer was thrown forward on to his face, and lay silent on the deck.
  • 突然,轮机员向前栽了下去,然后便倒在甲板上没了动静。
  • The ship went over whatever it was as easily as oil running over a stick.
  • 船撞到了什么东西,但很顺利地通过了,就像油淌过木棍一样。
  • The painful questions they asked him appeared to come from inside him, like the questioning of his conscience[ˈkɒnʃəns].
  • 法官的问题让他痛苦,它们好像来自他的内心,在审问他的良知。
  • It was usually after dinner in a friend’s house, when men sat comfortablely in their armchairs on the veranda[vəˈrændə] and smoked their cigars, that Marlow[] was asked to talk.
  • 通常是在朋友家吃完饭,大家惬意地坐在阳台的扶手椅上抽雪茄的时候,会有人要求马洛说说吉姆。
  • He could almost imageine himself back in the past, and he often began with a warning to his listeners.
  • 他几乎以为自己又回到了过去,在讲述之前他往往会给听众一个忠告。
  • A damaged ship full of pilgrims had been found without his officers, in the Indian Ocean. The whole waterfront[ˈwɔːtəfrʌnt] – boatmen, natives, officials, clerks – talked of nothing else for two weeks.
  • 一艘满载朝圣者的破损船只在印度洋被发现,船上没有船员。两周以来,码头区的所有人——船夫、当地人、官员和职员全在谈论此事。
  • If you English take away my master’s certificate[səˈtɪfɪkət], if you won’t let me command a ship here, I’ll go.
  • 如果你们英国人没收了我的船长执照,不许我指挥这儿的船,我就走。
  • The two engineers were now standing in front of their captain, but he turned away from them and hurried over to a horse and trap.
  • 两个轮机员现在就站在船长前面,但是船长走开了,匆忙奔向一辆轻便马车。
  • The red of his fair, sunburnt skin deepened suddenly from his neck right up to his hair.
  • 他被晒黑的皮肤一下子红了,从脖子红到了发根。
  • I am sure that things looked terribly uncertain to him at that moment, but he did not hesitate, He was young and strong, and there was something fine in his wild hope that he would survivie.
  • 我确信他当时前途未卜,但他毫不犹豫地拒绝了我。他年轻力壮,心里还有不切实际的美梦,认为自己会幸免于难。
  • The whole miserable business is bitter enough for a man like you…
  • 这些倒霉事对你这样的人而言已经够难受的了。
  • I’ve discovered a guano[] island among the Walpole['wɔ:lpəul] rocks which is going to make rich.
  • 我在沃波尔暗礁区发现了一个鸟粪岛,它能让我发财。
  • He followed me back to the hotel obediently[əˈbiːdiəntli]. I realized that he had nowhere in the whole world where he could be alone with his suffering.
  • 他顺从地跟着我回到酒店。我知道,他在这个世界上找不到什么地方去独自承受他的痛苦。
  • I was no longer young, and I knew that his fate[feɪt], like mine, was written in large letters on the face of a rock, and nothing he could do would change it.
  • 而我已不再年轻了,我知道他的命运和我的一样已成定居,是他改变不了的。
  • He was tall and thin, with a sympathetic[ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk], intelligent face, and white hair brushed back from a high forehead.
  • 他高大瘦削,有一张富有同情心而智慧的脸,花白的头发从高高的额头向后面梳过去。
  • He should creep away somewhere and hide.
  • 他应当逃到某个地方藏起来。
  • We, the famous and the unknown , travel in our thousands all over the world, earning beyond the seas our good name, our fortune or perhaps just enough bread for that day.
  • 无论功成名就,还是默默无闻,我们都成群结队地奔赴大海彼岸,在世界各地为名声、财富,抑或只是足够当天填饱独自的面包而打拼
  • I gave him a gun and two boxes of ammunition[ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn], in case he needed them.
  • 我给了他一杆枪和两盒子弹,以备不时之需。
  • Between you and me , your friend is already a dead man.
  • 咱们俩私下说,你的朋友已经是个死人了。
  • Behind him were the waves of the sea, endlessly rising and sinking, and ahead of him were the immovable[ɪˈmuːvəbl] forests, reaching up towards the sunshine, but as dark and shadowy as life itself.
  • 在他身后,海浪永不停息地起起落落;在他前方,矗立不动的森林挺立在阳光中,但却又如生命本身一样暗淡和模糊。
  • The silvery grey houses crowding along the wide shining river seemed like a line of ghostly animals, pushing forward to drink from the lifeless water.
  • 宽阔的河面波光粼粼,河边一座座银灰色的房子像一排动物的鬼影,探着头在毫无生气的水中畅饮。
  • He looked with an owner’s eye at the land and its people, but it was they who owned him, to the last breath in his body.
  • 他用拥有者的目光看着这片土地和这里的居民,但实际上是他们拥有了他,直到他生命的最后一息。
  • I made one last great attempt – and at last felt myself creeping weakly out of the mud on the other side of the creek[kriːk].
  • 我做了最后一次努力——终于感觉自己在河的对岸从泥巴中无力地慢慢爬出来。
  • He seemed to be one of those men who can only be measured by the greatness of their fame, and his fame[feɪm], remember , was the greatest thing for many a day’s journey around, even beyond the jungle.
  • 有些人只能用名气的大小去衡量,而他就是其中之一。别忘了,他的名声在那附近几天行程的范围内都如雷贯耳。
  • I saw him and spoke to him myself, as he crept around Patusan with evil in his heart, and lying promises on his lips.
  • 我见到了他,并和他说了话,当时他正怀着邪恶的念头在柏图桑游荡,四处骗人。
  • He realized that the only escape from his loneliness was – in her.
  • 他意识到,摆脱孤独的唯一办法是和她在一起。
  • He sat with his head bent low on his chest, and did not look up, perhaps afraid to see what his romantic conscience had written on the clear sky.
  • 他坐在那儿,头低低地埋在胸口,没有抬头,也许是害怕晴空让他想起浪漫旧梦。
  • It is a real adventure, romantic beyond the wildest dream of his boyhood, but with an ending that seems in some way unavoidable[ˌʌnəˈvɔɪdəb(ə)l].
  • 这是一场真正的历险,比他儿时最疯狂的梦想更具传奇色彩,但在某种程度上,结局似乎是注定的。
  • Doramin looked at his dead son, and slowly, very slowly, took Jim’s silver ring off the cold, stiff[stɪf] hand.
  • 多拉曼看着死去的儿子,慢慢地把吉姆的银戒指从儿子冰冷、僵硬的手指上脱下来。

8 Lorna Doone

  • At either end was a narrow gap in the mountain walls. At the further end was the waterfall which I had climbed seven years before, and at the other was what we called the Doone-gate.
  • 山谷的两端各有一道狭窄的缺口。较远的那头是我七年前曾攀登过的瀑布,而另一头则是被我们称为杜恩大门的地方。
  • But I was not able to see Lorna again as soon as I had hoped.
  • 但是,我没能像预期中那么快与洛娜再次相见。
  • If you will only keep away , out of danger, I will like you even more.
  • 只要你跟危险保持距离,我就会更喜欢你。
  • With tears still in her eyes, which seemed to come partly from wanting to love me as much as I loved her, she kissed my head.
  • 她的眼中含着泪水,看来她多少想像我爱她那样爱我,她吻了吻我的额头。
  • If they attacked us, we knew it could not be with as many men as they would like.
  • 我们知道,如果他们想袭击我们,他们是来不了多少人的。
  • As certain as I sit here, that little girl is Lorna Doone!
  • 就像我现在确确实实坐在你面前一样,哪个小女孩就是洛娜-杜恩
  • He lay along his horse’s neck, to close the wound in his side.
  • 他伏在在马脖子上,压住体侧的伤口。
  • As for me, I threw my best hat over the hay rick[rɪk]s and shouted for happiness.
  • 而我则将自己最好的帽子扔上了干草堆,高兴地放声呼喊。
  • The sound of a shot rang through the church, and those eyes were clouded with death.
  • 一声枪响在教堂里响起,而这双眼睛蒙上了死亡的阴影。
  • He rode straight into a little valley from which I knew there was no escape – because at the end of it there was only a black , bottomless bog[].
  • 他径直骑进了一个小山谷,我知道那里没有出路——因为山谷的尽头只有一小片黑暗无底的沼泽。
