
2022-01-07 fishedee 英语

1 A Tale of Two Citites

  • Behind close doors in the homes of the people, voices spoken in whispers against the King and his noblemen[ˈnəʊblmən]; they were only whispers, but they were the angry whispers of desperate people.
  • 在门户紧密的家中,人们悄声地谈论着反对国王和他的贵族们的话题。它们只是低声的密谈,但却是绝望中的人们愤怒的声音。
  • Nobody argued with Miss Pross[] if they could avoid[əˈvɔɪd] it.
  • 只要能避免就没人愿意去和普洛斯小姐争吵。
  • Serval villagers, in poor thin clothes, with thin hugry faces, were standing in the village square[skweər].
  • 几个衣衫褴褛、面黄肌瘦的村民正站在村里的场地上。
  • I passed you on the road just outside the village, You were looking at my coach in a very strange way. Why was that?
  • 我在村外的那条路上从你旁边经过,你当时正用一种奇特的眼光看着我的马车。为什么要这样。
  • The man who was holding on under your coach.
  • 就在那个趴在您马车底下的男人。
  • But in the hour of my death, it will be a happy memory for me that my last words of love were to you.
  • 但在我死的时候,我会因为我最后的爱情表白是对您说的而留下幸福的回忆。
  • Tellson[]’s Bank, which the French emigrant[]s used, had become a meeting-place where they could hear and talk about the latest news from France.
  • 台尔森银行为法国移民所利用,现在它已经成为了他们聚集在一起打听和谈论从法国来的最新消息的场所。
  • One evening, looking out of the window, he saw that a large grindstone[ˈɡraɪndstəʊn] had been brought into the square below.
  • 一天傍晚,他朝窗外看时,见到一块巨大的磨石被人扛到了楼下的场地上。
  • We have known many wives and mothers, And we have seen many husbands and fathers put in prison, for many years. What is one more, among so many?
  • 我们知道很多的妻子和母亲,并且我们也见过很多的丈夫和父亲被送进监狱关押了好多年。有这么多的人,再多一个又算得了什么呢?
  • Fifteen prisoners were called before Darnay[] that day, and in no more than an hour and a half, all of them had been condemn[kənˈdem]ed to death.
  • 那天在代尔那之前已有15个人被审讯,在不到一个半小时的时间中,他们便都被判处了死刑。
  • He’s just a crazy young peasant[ˈpez(ə)nt]. He came here shouting about revenge , and made my brother fight him.
  • 他只是一个发了疯的小农民,他来这儿大喊大叫着报仇。
  • I’ve changed places with him. You can say that it was so much for him, saying his last goodbye to his friend. That happens quite often, I believe.
  • 我已经和他换了位置。你可以声言说他承受不住和他的朋友诀别。这样的事经常发生,我相信。
  • The supposed[səˈpəʊzd; səˈpəʊzɪd] Evremonde[] helps the young girl down from the cart.
  • 那个被当做了埃弗蒙的人帮着那个小女孩下了囚车。

2 Gulliver’s Travels

  • But I always wanted to travel, and so I made several voyage[]s as a ship’s doctor.
  • 可是我总想去旅行,就当了船医,出海旅行了好几次。
  • By now I was extremely hungry, so I used sign language to beg the official for food.
  • 那时我已经饿极了,就用手语向这个官员要食物。
  • One day the King invited me to watch the regular entertainments, which are greatly enjoyed by him, his family, and his lords and ladies.
  • 有一天国王邀请我去看定期表演,这是他、他的家人、以及他的王公和贵妇们极为欣赏的。
  • I knew that just beyond[bɪˈjɒnd] the narrow sea separating the two countries there were at least fifty warships ready to attack us, with many other smaller ships.
  • 我知道把两国分开的狭窄海水那边至少有50只战船准备袭击我们,此外还有很多小船。
  • Perhaps I was wrong, but I could not see that the King was being kind and generous in ordering such an inhuman punishment.
  • 也许我看错了,但是我看不出国王下令做如此不人道的处罚有什么仁慈和大度
  • When the King saw me, he thought at first that I must be a mechanical[məˈkænɪkl] toy.
  • 国王看见我,他起初认为我是个机械玩具。
  • The worst problem I had at the palace was the Queen’s dwarf[dwɔːf]. Until I arrived, he had always been the smallest person in the country.
  • 我在宫里最糟糕的问题是王后的侏儒。我到达前,他一直是这个国家最矮小的人。
  • Borbdingnag[] is quite a large country, joined on to northwest America, but separated from the rest of America by high mountains.
  • 布罗卜丁奈格是个相当大的国家,与北美相连,但高山把它和美洲其他部分隔开了。
  • Do rich men never buy their way into this House? You say the lawmakers receive no pay, but are you sure that they never accept bribe[braɪb]s.
  • 富人从来不用钱买路进入议院吗?你说法律制定者不收报酬,但是你敢肯定他们从来不收受贿赂吗?
  • Perhaps once, in the past, your political life was adequately[ˈædɪkwətli] organized, but now it is clear that there is laziness and selfishness in every part of the system.
  • 也许在过去,你们的政治生活曾经组织得恰当,可是现在很明显,这个制度的每一部分都充满了惰性和自私。
  • You can use it to shoot heavy balls of metal from large guns.
  • 你可以把它来把很沉的金属弹丸从很大的枪射出。
  • I can only suppose that a large bird took hold of the ring on top of the box with his talon[]s, and flew away with it.
  • 我只能猜测一只大鸟的爪子抓住了我盒子顶部的环,带着它飞走了。
  • It is moved by a simple machine which uses magnet[ˈmæɡnət]s to pull the island closer to land or push it higher into the sky.
  • 它用一个简单的机器移动,通过磁力把岛拉近地面或者是推向高空。
  • It’s only thirty years until the next falling star comes this way, and the earth was very nearly destroyed by the last one!
  • 再过30年下一个流星就会掉下来,而上次差点把地球都毁灭了。
  • After that we’re only supposed to have bread and water for three days, while the information moves upwards to our heads.
  • 之后信息往上进入我们的脑子的过程中,连着三天,我们只能喝水吃面包。
  • He neigh[neɪ]ed several times in a very intelligent, gentle way, and I almost wondered if he was speaking in his own language.
  • 他以非常智慧、温柔的方式嘶叫了几下,我几乎在想他是否在用自己的语言说话。
  • I try to accept my countrymen now, but the pround ones, who are so full of their own self-importance – well, they had better not come near me.
  • 现在我力图接受我的国人,那些骄傲的除外,他们充满了自大的情绪——他们最好不要走近我。
  • I was stupid to think that I could bring reason and truth into their lives and thoughts.
  • 我真愚蠢,我以为我可以把理智和真相带到他们的生活和思想中去。

3 Treasure Island

  • I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman[ˈsiːmən] came to stay – I can almost see him in front of me as I write.
  • 我清楚记得那天客店来了一位老船员——他现在就浮现在我眼前。
  • He arrived with his sea-chest[tʃest], a tall, strong man with a cut across one cheek.
  • 他是个高个子,而且很健壮,手里提着一个船员手提箱。
  • All day he walked around the cove[kəʊv], or up on the cliffs; all evening he sat in a corner of the room, and drank rum and water.
  • 他整天在海湾走来走去,或是站在悬崖上;晚上则坐在屋子的一个角落,喝着掺水的朗姆酒
  • The captain swore[swɔː(r)] softly, then said, “Silence!”
  • 老船长轻声骂了一句,喊道,“安静!”
  • If you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be free of a dirty scoundrel[ˈskaʊndrəl]!
  • 如果你还不戒酒,这世界上很快就会减少一个十足的混蛋。
  • They’ll have the black spot[spɒt] on me by then. They’ll come for me.
  • 他们会送黑券过来的,他们会来找我的。
  • It was slow work to find the English gold guinea[ˈɡɪni]s that we needed.
  • 从中找到我们需要的英国几尼是件很费时的事。
  • Johnny, Black Dog!You won’t leave your old friend Pew[pjuː],boys – not old Pew!
  • 约翰尼,黑狗,别把你们的老伙伴老皮尤丢下不管
  • Inside,everything was smashed[smæʃt] and broken.
  • 客店内的一切都受到了破坏
  • Of course Flint[flɪnt] had money! Those scoundrels were after it.
  • 弗林特当然有钱!那帮匪徒找的就是钱。
  • Hawkins[ˈhɔːkɪnz] can come as cabin-boy, You, Livesey[], are the ship’s doctor.I am [admiral].
  • 霍金斯可以在船上当服务员。你,李莆西,当随船医生。我当船长。
  • Between Silver and myself, we got together a crew of the tough[tʌf]est seamen you can image.
  • 在西尔帮助下,我找到了一伙最强壮的水手。
  • First of all, the men are putting the powder and weapons in the front of the ship. Now , you have a good place under the cabin. Why not put them there?
  • 首先,那些人把火药和武器放在船头。其实,船舱下面有个不错的地方,为什么不放在那里呢?
  • The men did as they pleased with him, and after a day or two at sea, he began to drink too much.
  • 他我行我素,过了一两天以后便开始酗酒
  • He kept his parrot[ˈpærət] in cage, in the corner. I call him Captain Flint, after the famous pirate.
  • 在一个角落里,他在一个笼子里养着一只鹦鹉。我管他叫弗林特船长,以那个出名的海盗来命名。
  • No ship’s company was ever so well looked after, with plenty to eat and drink; and a barrel of apples open for any man to take one.
  • 因为没有一艘船有这样的待遇。船员们有足够的吃喝,还有一桶苹果,任何人都可以吃。
  • Captain Smollett[] gave orders, and the Hispaniola[,hispən'jəulə] turned so that the ship would sail just clear of the island on the east.
  • 斯摩列特船长下了命令,伊斯柏尼奥拉号掉头从东面靠近小岛。
  • Those three hills we can see are on the big island, They’re in a row running south – the biggest is called Spyglass[ˈspaɪɡlɑːs].
  • 我们能看见的三座小山在大岛上,它们向南排成一列,那最大的山叫望远镜山。
  • Let’s allow them an afternoon on shore. If they all go, we’ll have the ship. If someone go, Silver will bring them back as gentle as sheep.
  • 如果他们都去,我们就夺回船。如果几个人去,西尔弗带他们回来的时候,他们会像绵羊一样听话。
  • Why let yourself be led away with that kind of scoundrel?I’d rather die than –
  • 为什么不和那些蠢东西断绝往来呢?要是我,宁可死也不——
  • As soon as I was clear of the trees,I begin to run as I had never run before.
  • 等我离开那片树林,撒腿就跑,比以前任何时候跑得都快。
  • Were you shipwrecked?No my friend, Marooned[məˈruːnd].
  • 你的船遇难了吗?不是,我的朋友,是流放。
  • They’re inside the stockade[stɒˈkeɪd] that Flint made years ago.
  • 他们正在弗特林几年前建的寨子里。
  • There I saw the Hispaniola in the bay – but the Jolly Roger[] was flying over her!
  • 我看见伊斯柏尼奥拉号停在海湾里——船上挂着骷髅旗。
  • The men chose me to be captain after you deserted the ship.
  • 您弃船而去以后他们选我当船长。
  • Perhaps that’s why I’m here now. But you won’t do it again, by thunder!
  • 所以我才来谈判。但是我发誓,这样的事不会再发生了。
  • The pirates did not return, and we had time to take care of the wounded[ˈwuːndɪd]. Out of the eight men who fell in the fight, only three still breathed. One pirate, Hunter, and Captain, Smollet; and of these, the first two were nearly dead.
  • 海盗们并没有反击,所以我们有时间来治疗伤员。这场战斗中倒下的八个人中有三个还没咽气。一个海盗,亨特,还有斯摩列特船长,他们中前两个都快死了。
  • The sun was still hidden behind Spyglass Hill, which came down to the sea in dangerous cliffs on this side of the island. It was no place to row ashore[əˈʃɔː(r)], or I wound be killed on the rocks.
  • 太阳还被挡在望远镜山后面。这山一直延伸到海里,形成一面峭壁。没有一个好地方可以靠岸,如果贸然靠岸,我就会摔死在岩石上。
  • Suddenly, I was on the top of one wave as she came thundering over the next. And there she was, almost upon me!
  • 忽然,当大船俯身越过一个浪尖时,我正处在另一个浪尖上。大船头正好在我的上方。
  • ‘I expect you’ll want to go ashore now. Suppose we talk about it.’ There was some colour back in his cheeks but he looked very sick.
  • 我看你是想到岸上去。咱们来谈谈吧。他的脸上露出一点血色,但还很虚弱。
  • But then, with a sudden movement, his hand went back and something went speeding through the air. I felt a sharp pain, and I was pinned to the mast[mɑːst] by my shoulder.
  • 但是突然,他的手往后一挥,就见一件东西嗖的一声飞过来。我感到一阵剧痛,我的肩膀被钉在了桅杆上。
  • I turned to run, crashed violently against one person , then ran straight into the arms of another.
  • 我转身就跑,刚挣脱了一个人,又被另外一个人抓住。
  • So we bargain[ˈbɑːɡən]ed, and here we are, in the house.
  • 我们跟他谈妥了条件,我们就到这里来了。
  • Next, this boy. Well, we’ll use him to bargain with. He might be our last chance.
  • 还有,这个孩子。现在我们得用他来讲条件。这是我们最后的机会。
  • The men’s anger exploded after the doctor left the house, and they accused Silver of trying to make a separate peace for himself.
  • 大夫刚走出木屋,海盗们的不满情绪就爆发了,他们都指责西尔弗单独媾和。
  • The cross was too large to be of much help, and the words on the back of the map were no better.
  • 叉画得太大了,表示不了确切地点,背面的说明文字也好不到哪儿去。
  • There was an echo[ˈekəʊ], and no man ever saw a ghost with a shadow, so why should a ghost’s voice have an echo?It’s not natural.
  • 刚才的声音有回音,而且也没人看到过鬼魂还有影子。为什么鬼魂的声音还有回音?这很奇怪。
  • The doctor smash[smæʃ]ed one with an axe, and then we all got into the other and rowed to North Inlet.
  • 大夫用斧头砸了一只船,然后我们乘上另一只船向北边划去。

4 Black Beauty

  • Whenever she saw him at the gate, she trot[trɒt]ted across. He used to pat[] her and say, “Well , old Pet, and how is you little Darkie[ˈdɑːki]?”
  • 每当看到他出现在门口,妈妈就快步跑过去。他常拍拍她说,“喂,老宝贝,你的小黑好吗?”
  • To train a horse is to teach him to wear a saddle[ˈsædl], and to carry a man , woman or child on his back. The horse must also learn to wear a collar[ˈkɒlə(r)], and to stand still when it is put on; then to have a carriage fixed behind him, and to go fast or slow, whichever his driver wishes.
  • 训练一匹马,要教他学会佩戴马鞍,驮男人、女人和小孩。这匹马还得学会戴轭具,在套轭具时,得站稳了不能移动;然后还得学会在身后套上一匹马车,按赶车人的意思快走或慢走。
  • Like all horses that have grown up, I had to wear a bit[bɪt] and bridle[ˈbraɪd(ə)l].
  • 和所有成年的马一样,我得戴上嚼口和笼头。
  • It is held there by strap[stræp]s which go over the horse’s head, under his neck, round his nose and under his chin[tʃɪn]. Rein[]s, which the rider holds, are fastened to each end of the bit.
  • 勒住嚼口得绳子绕过马头,经过脖子下面,绕着鼻子和下巴颏儿。马夫手里的缰绳紧握着,紧系着嚼口得两端。
  • Then he took me to the village where a man fixed metal shoes on to each hoof[huːf].
  • 然后,他带我到村里得一个人那儿,给我的每只脚都钉上了掌。
  • First, a heavy collar on my neck, and a bridle with great side pieces against my eyes, called blinker[]s.
  • 首先,是脖子上重重的轭具,还有笼头,带着一大块挡住我的眼睛的叫做马眼罩的东西。
  • We went into the Park through a large gate, then trotted along a smooth road between some trees to the house and gardens. Beyond this were the stables.
  • 我们穿过一个大门走进去,小跑着经过一条平坦的通向房子和花园的临近路,尽头是一排马厩。
  • The first stall[stɔːl] was called a loose[luːs] box, werhe a horse is not tied up all the time but is free to move around as he likes . It is a great thing to have a loose box.The groom[ɡruːm] put me into it and gave me some oat[əʊt]s.
  • 第一栏叫做放饲马房,在这儿马不拴着,想怎么走动都可以。有这么一个自由的空间真是太好了。马夫牵我进屋,喂了我一些燕麦。
  • A horse’s head looked over from the stall beyond. It was a tall brown mare[], and she did not look pleased.
  • 一匹马的头从那边的栏里探出来,那是一匹高高的棕色母马。她看起来不太高兴。
  • He’s fast, but the lightest touch of the rein[] will guide him.
  • 他速度很快,轻轻地一碰缰绳就知道往哪儿跑。
  • But then we were sold to a man in London who drove us with a bearing[ˈbeərɪŋ] rein.—— a rein to hold our heads up unnaturally high and to keep them there, for hours and hours, until the pain was terrible.
  • 随后我们被卖到伦敦。新主人用缰绳把我们的头勒得老是不自然地高昂,一连好几个小时,知道我们痛得受不了。
  • James brought Merrylegs in and said, “Now, behave yourself”
  • 詹姆斯牵回乐腿儿并对他说,“来,给我放规矩点”
  • Mr Gordon was never curel, and he would not stand by and watch others be cruel to animals.
  • 高顿先生从不冷酷,而且他也决不对其他人对动物的残酷行为坐视不管。
  • As he got to the Park gates, the pony turned towards them.
  • 当他到庄园大门时,马驹朝大门转了过来。
  • “He’s too fond of going his own way!” he told my master. “He’s not supposed to turn in through your gates; the road is straight on.”
  • “他太爱想怎么干就怎么干了!”他对我的主人说。“他不该朝你的门里转,应该一直照直走。”
  • Men may be clever enough to think of things for themselves, but animals know things without thinking , and that’s often saved a man’s life, as it has ours tonight.
  • 人们为自己考虑的时候挺聪明,可是,动物根本用不着考虑就能知道,这经常能救人一命,就像今晚救了我们!
  • It was a bad place to jump, wasn’t it?A man’s life and a horse’s life are worth more than a hare – or they should be!
  • 那地方不能跳,是吗?一个人和一匹马的生命比一只野兔贵重对了——本来就是这么回事!
  • I’m leaving a lot behind, My mother, and you, a good master and mistress, and the horses.
  • 我舍弃了这么多,我妈妈,你,一个好主人和太太,还有这些马。
  • Mr York was a good-looking man of about forty, with a voice that expected to be obeyed[əˈbeɪ].
  • 约克先生约40岁,长相英俊,语气中含有权威感。
  • The bearing rein annoyed me but did not pull my head any higher than I was used to carrying it.
  • 绳套弄得我挺烦,不过倒没把我的头拉高到我不习惯的地步。
  • She’s too easily frightened for a lady to ride.
  • 她太容易受惊吓了,不适合小姐骑
  • I gave a loud neigh[neɪ] for help and made a noise with my feet until Mr Blantyre[] came running out of the doctor’s house.
  • 我长嘶了一声,并用脚刨地发出声音,知道布兰太尔先生从医生家里跑出来。
  • For about two kilometres the road was straight, then it turned to the right before becoming two roads.
  • 有两公里的路是直的,然后右转,再分岔。
  • No wonder he went down, riding over these stones without a shoe!
  • 怪不得他摔呢,没有掌还在这片石头地上跑。
  • I was sent to a horse fair[feə(r)] – a place where hundreds of horses were bought and sold, and more lies were told, I think, than in any other place in the country.
  • 我被送到一个马市上,那儿有几百匹马被买卖。我认为那儿充满着比全国任何一个地方都要多的谎言。
  • It always made him angry when people wanted him to drive hard because of their own lateness[ˈleɪtnəs].
  • 杰利经常为那些自己晚了,光会催他快赶车的人生气。
  • The horse was brown, with bones that showed through her coat.
  • 那马是棕色的,瘦骨嶙峋。

5 The Scarlet Letter

  • It was the captial letter A. It was a wonderful piece of needlework[ˈniːdlwɜːk], with patterns of gold thread[θred] around the letter,but the material was now worn[wɔːn] thin with age.
  • 那是个大写的“A”。这是一件精细的针线活儿,金线滚边,不过由于年代久远,布料已被磨得很薄了。
  • If we good, sensible, church-going women could judge this Hester[ˈhestə(r)] Prynne[]. And would we give her the same light punishment that the magistrate[ˈmædʒɪstreɪt]s give her? No!
  • 如果能让我们这些正直、理智、行事符合教规的女性来审判赫斯特-普林就更好了。我们会像治安官那样给她那么轻的判决吗?不会!
  • On the bosom[ˈbʊzəm] of her dress, in fine red cloth and surrounded with fantastic pattern[ˈpæt(ə)n]s of gold thread, was the letter A.
  • 她的衣服的前胸上露出了一个用红色细布做成、周边用金线绣成精巧花边的字母“A”。
  • Here,criminals met their death before the eyes of the townspeople, but the scaffold[ˈskæfəʊld] platform was also used as a place of shame, where those who had done wrong in the eyes of God were made to stand and show their shameful[ˈʃeɪmfl] faces to the world.
  • 就在那里,犯人在众目睽睽下被处死,但是这座邢台也被用作犯人示众之地。在上帝眼中犯了过错的人被带到这里,将他们可耻的面孔展现给世人。
  • The shame of Hester Prynne’s sin[] was felt deeply by young and old throughout the town.
  • 赫斯特-普林的耻辱罪恶深深地震撼着全镇老少。
  • She is obviously guilty of adultery[əˈdʌltəri], and the usual punishment for adultery is death.
  • 她犯的显然是通奸罪,对通奸的惩罚通常是死刑。
  • If I wanted revenge, then what more could I ask for than to let you live – and suffer, under the shadow of this shame?
  • 如果我想复仇,我最大的愿望就是让你活着——让你在这种耻辱的阴影下受尽折磨。
  • She watched, trembling as the man she had wrong[rɒŋ]ed pulled up a chair and sat beside her.
  • 看着这个她曾经辜负的人拉过一把椅子坐在身边,她不由得全身战栗起来。
  • How could I have imaged, the day that I married you, that you would ever love me? How could a man of books and learning be so stupid?
  • 我娶你的时候怎么会以为你会爱上我呢?像我这样一个饱读诗书的男人为什么会如此愚蠢?
  • I shall watch him tremble, and I will feel myself tremble with him. But don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt him, or harm his position in the town if he is an important man here. Nor shall I inform the law.
  • 我要看着他浑身颤抖,我都能感到自己和他一起颤抖了。不过不要害怕,我不会伤害他,如果他在这里是一个显赫人物的话,我也不会对他的地位造成什么损害。我不会告发他的。
  • Do not fail in this, Hester! Remember , his good name, his position , his life will be in my hands!
  • 不要违背诺言,赫斯特!记住,他的名声、地位和性命全部握在我的手心里。
  • The Puritans[] of that time were hard judges, and a woman who had sinned as Hester had sinned was always an outsider[ˌaʊtˈsaɪdə(r)]. Every word, every look ,every cold , accusing[əˈkjuːzɪŋ] silece reminded her of the shame and the lonely misery of her life.
  • 当时的清教徒都是严苛的审判者,像赫斯特这种犯下罪过的女人永远都只能被人排斥。每句话、每个眼神、每次冰冷和充满谴责意味的沉默都在提醒她,她的生活里充满了耻辱、孤独与凄凉。
  • It is better to pray for an answer to that question, than to try to guess. Better still to leave it a mystery, so that every good and godly[ˈɡɒdli] man can show a father’s kindness towards the poor fatherless[ˈfɑːðələs] child.
  • 要知道这个问题的答案,还是靠祈祷吧,比猜测要好。而最好就是留着这个秘密不去管它。这样,每一个信奉上帝的好男人便都能对这没有父亲的可怜孩子表示父爱了。
  • There were new , darker arrangement[əˈreɪndʒmənt]s to make; new , secret things to do with his time.
  • 更多阴险的新计划即将形成;他要花时间做一些新的秘密活动。
  • I would be happy to leave behind my work, my worries and my sins and be buried in my grave.
  • 可我宁愿丢下工作、烦恼和罪孽,被埋葬在坟墓之中。
  • But no secret, however much Chillingworth[] suspected there was one, ever came out of their discussions.
  • 医生虽然揣测肯定是有秘密的,但他们的讨论却始终没能把任何秘密揭露出来。
  • As the months and years went by, the change in Roger Chillingworth grew greater. He had begun with the calmness[ˈkɑːmnəs] of a judge, wanting only to know the truth. But as he continued, the need to know burned in him like a fever, and he dug into the priest’s soul, like a man searching for gold.
  • 随着时间的流逝,奇林沃思的变化越来越明显。起初他带着裁判者的冷静而来,那是他只想找出真相。但是随着计划的展开,迫切想知道答案的愿望就像高烧一样折磨着他。他就像一个淘金者一样掘进牧师的灵魂。
  • But is Hester Prynne more , or less, miserable than people who keep their sinfulness[ˈsɪnflnəs] hidden.
  • 和那些把罪恶隐藏起来的人比,赫斯特-普林的痛苦是多还是少呢?
  • Only God can save a man whose sickness is a sickness of the soul! Let him do with me what he will! But who are you to involve yourself in this matter? Who are you to stand between a sufferer[ˈsʌfərə(r)] and his God?
  • 只有上帝可以救治灵魂上的疾病。让他随心所欲地处置我吧。可是,你算什么?竟要来插一手?竟敢置身于受磨难的人和他的上帝之间?
  • But look how his passion takes hold of him! He has done a wild thing before now, this godly Mr Dimmesdale[], in the hot passion[ˈpæʃ(ə)n] of his heart.
  • 不过看看吧,激情如何完全左右了这个人!这位虔诚的丁梅斯代尔先生,以前也曾在内心激情的驱使之下,干出过荒唐事事来!
  • After a short pause, he turns away, but with what a wild look of wonder[ˈwʌndə(r)], joy and horror!
  • 医生稍停了一瞬,转身就走了。然而,他的表情却那么狂野,交织着惊奇,欢乐和恐惧。
  • The priest’s guilty sadness was a weapon in his merciless[ˈmɜːsɪləs] hands. Every day he played, like a cat with a mouse, with the fear and the shame lying hidden in the young man’s soul.
  • 牧师那带有罪恶感的悲痛在他残忍的手中成为一件武器。他每天就像猫捉老鼠一样,玩弄着深藏在那个青年灵魂深处的恐惧和羞耻。
  • Before he had finished speaking, a light appeared, far and wide in the night sky. It was almost certainly caused by a meteor[ˈmiːtiə(r); ˈmiːtiɔː(r)], and it lit up the whole street like day.
  • 丁梅斯代尔先生还没说完,夜空中便远远地闪过一道宽阔的亮光。那无疑是一颗流星,将整条街道照得如同白昼一般。
  • While they spoke, Hester had been watching him closely and was full of wonder[ˈwʌndə(r)] at the change she saw in him.
  • 在他俩谈话时,赫斯特一直仔细地打量着老人,她惊奇地注意到他发生了多么明显的变化。
  • What should she say? The truth? No! If that was the price of the child’s understanding, she could not pay it.
  • 她应该说什么?事情的真相吗?不!假如真相是让这个孩子懂事的全部代价,她宁可不付出这个代价。
  • You have the friend that you wish for; someone to cry with you over your sin. You have me, your partner[ˈpɑːtnə(r)] in sin.
  • 此时就有一个你所期望的朋友,愿意和你一起为你的罪过哭泣。有我陪着你,我们是一同犯下罪孽的人!
  • He has a secret nature[ˈneɪtʃə(r)], and I think he will. But he will doubtless[ˈdaʊtləs] find other ways to take his revenge.
  • 他天性行事诡秘,我猜他会保密的。但是他肯定会寻找其他方式进行报复。
  • If there nothing beyond this town? Walk a few miles from here, and the yellow leaves will show no sign of a white man’s feet. There you can be free.
  • 难道世界就只有这小镇这么大吗?再走出几英里远,枯黄的落叶上便看不到白人的足迹了。
  • You’ll be beyond Roger Chillingworth there.
  • 你都会逃出罗杰-奇林沃思的掌握
  • It is a terrible thing to say, but I have often been afraid that others would see a likeness[ˈlaɪknəs] to me in her face, and guess.
  • 说这个真可怕,我常常担心人们会认出她长得像我,然后猜出什么来。
  • In a little while I will be beyond your reach! I will be free, and the scarlet letter of shame, which has burned on my bosom for seven years, will lie for ever at the bottom of the sea!
  • 再过一笑会儿,我将会远走高飞了!我要自由了,这个在我胸前灼烧了七年的代表耻辱的红字,将永远埋葬在海底。
  • The Dark One knows those who have signed their names in his book!
  • 魔鬼知道谁在他的册子上签了名。
  • There was a sadness too, not in the words themselves but in the way he spoken them. A sadness of someone who is about to die.
  • 他的布道带着一种哀伤——不在他的词句当中,而是在他讲话的方式里——那是一种人之将死的哀伤。
  • Look again at Hester’s scarlet letter. With all its mysterious horror, it is only a shadow of what is on my own bosom!
  • 你们再看看赫斯特的红字,它虽然神秘、可怕,但只不过是我胸前这东西的影子而已。
  • There were various[ˈveəriəs] explanations, all of which were no more than guesses.
  • 说法各不相同,而且都是些臆测。
  • There was no mark at all on Mr Dimmesdale’s chest. Neither, they said, had his dying words accepted any part of, or responsibility for, Hester Prynne’s shame.
  • 他们没有在牧师胸前看到任何标记。据他们讲,牧师的临终致辞没有承认他与赫斯特-普林的耻辱有丝毫牵连。
  • But nothing was more extraordinary than the way old Roger Chillingworth changed after Mr Dimmesdale’s death.
  • 但最引人注目的是,丁梅斯代尔先生死后,罗杰-奇林沃思老人发生了变化。
  • Never again did it leave her bosom. However , in the years that followed, it became a sign not of shame but of sadness.
  • 从那以后,那红字就再也没离开过她的胸前。但是随着岁月的流逝,它不再是耻辱的烙印,却变成了一个令人哀伤的标志。
